An obvious mistake

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An obvious mistake

by LoliconHCPT » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:02 pm

by GoDM1N » Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:46 am

Tango-1 wrote:

It is a valid argument that if players do not like you they should client side mute you. But if it is a continuous problem (as it seems to be), eventually the responsibility shifts from the individual to the admin authority. Arguing that "Im different, don't ban me because of that." is viable only if it is a problem that is more understandable difference of opinion or similar nature. Antagonizing other players does not fall under that category.

Yall are antagonizing him as well from what I've seen. Phantom, a admin, going as far as telling him to leave and threatening to ban him because he said he liked the mic spam. Right now you guys basically have him under this effect

Altius wrote:
but seeing as this has dissolved into an opinion fest.

This isn't a opinion fest, if he breaks a rule let me know I'll gladly ban him. However if he's within the rules of the server hes staying and you guys will have to avoid, mute, or get along with him.

I was still banned dispite this post. Obviously some other admin has wrongfully banned me for nothing but not liking me as a human being. I'd like to request to be unbanned because I never broke a rule and that some action be put onto the admin who did ban me for abusing their powers. I cannot see how a server can function properly when admins will ban somebody when they have been told directly that this person did not disobey any rules. It's a violation of the powers they have been intrusted and an assault on the community of your average players when they cannot play on a server simply because an admin doesn't like them and bans them unjustly.
I hope you can see where I'm coming from.

The ban stats that "Trolling, Numerous bans on other servers, General dislike by the community"; trolling is not defined by somebody being different and being banned on a completely unrelated server to critsandvich is not a justification for ban. If you define "general" as everyone who's your friend and not the DOZENS of other people that have added me since I started playing on critsandvich, then fine, I guess you were right to say that.

I personally don't think that is no just about me now, I think it's going to generate huge problems to anybody who plays on these servers if they are not free to be themselves without the persecution of admins who directly go against each others word. I know that there's some fine people on critsandvich that will realize how problematic my banning truly is, as a sentiment of how the servers themselves are administrated and how the community interacts with everyday players. But we can move on and try to start new and fresh, just taking it easy and having fun without useless drama. There's no need for it. Don't like somebody? Client side mute them. Don't ban somebody permanently for not fitting into a mold perfectly set by other people, our diversity is what makes us a great and dynamic community and we should embrace that and all its ups and downs that come with it.

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Re: An obvious mistake

by Boler » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:26 pm

Just to get a word in before the thread is locked like the last one was: the reason was misleading.

You are a self admitted troll, according to previous posts. You type !admin in chat every 5 to 10 minutes to make sure no one is around before proceding to irritate others, knowing that your behavior is innappropriate and only 'technically' violate the rules every so often, under the false assumption that admins need hard evidence to ban you. And yet despite all of this a select few people for some unexplainable reason give you a soap box to stand on and allow you to play the "everyone is out to get me" card, when you provoke others into arguments by mocking them, being sarcastic, and just in general going out of your way to piss people off, then acting naive whenever anyone with a set of balls shows up. I also have sprays disabled, but despite this I am 99% sure that you have been posting porn sprays judging from the reactions in chat/on the mic when admins are away, only to quickly reupload a spray and replace it the second an admin joins the server.

So yes, not alot of people here like you. But it has nothing to do with your "opinions", which let's be honest, are just thinly veiled attempts to enrage people. For gods sake you spent 2 hours yes-manning a 10 year old kid on the server and then openly said you were using him to piss people off. People don't like you because you are disruptive to the community, and toxic to have around. You make a point to bitch about rules, about admins, and when no one is around to hear it that matters openly insult others, knowing that you can get away with it because of the way things have been handled about earlier actions you have taken. It's classic trolling, testing the waters to see just what you can and cannot get away with. I'm just dumbfounded that so many people here fell for it.

To be blunt, the only reason you got away with it for so long was because there is some drama going on between admins behind the scenes, which is immensly more fustrating to me than playing on the server with you. 6/10, regrettably successfull troll, but not very subtle.
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Re: An obvious mistake

by Failhorse » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:34 pm

This thread is now locked. Admins will discuss.
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Re: An obvious mistake

by Failhorse » Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:50 pm

Ban stands. You reap what you sow.
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