I bought it as a present to my sister that do sing alot and plays guitar etc. So for her nice voice I wanted to buy her a better mic than what she used.
And I couldnt resist to try it out myself to see how the difference were. Huge! Even some of the regulars even heard it instantly. And I dont talk that much.
I did this video before christmas and didnt want my sister to see the video before so I waited to upload it just in case
So if you do game commentary or reviews or whatever I can actually recommend this mic for that too. Pick up sounds really good. When I was gaming or as in this review I had it about 1 feet away.
It have a really big membrane that picks up voices or whatever really good. It looked like it was about 1,5-2 inches big. Its made for singing but works as well for anything. So compared to my cheap as headset that have a mic that is probably has 3mm width membrande, this was awesome. Fairly good price and works with any OS. Just plug it in "USB driven" and tweak the windows recording sound lvl and your done.
I used 50% volume if I dont recall wrong.