Okay. It's time to hear Johnydrisk act like an adult for once.
With the heated conversation that just recently happened regarding a post in the forums about the fun servers being empty all the time I'd like to make a few suggestions that were supposed to be said during an admin meeting that sadly enough was cancelled.
1. Leave the lovenest alone for now: The lovenest is a mess. Bad maps plague it, long download times have crippled it and it is too much of a pain to pop. We need to focus on funbox 2. From what I noticed fun box 2 once had a healthy community until we made it a 24/7 dodgeball server for two and a half months. However after the tourney it was brought back to it's original state. Which brings me to suggestion 2.
2. Rebuild funbox 2's community: admins are not enough to pop it. We need help from other communities/friends that are in a healthy relationship with CSN or are a part of CSN. Even my Drisk Brigade which is close to being ready to deploy needs some recruitment help. Also I don't want anything else to be added or removed from funbox 2 until we hear what a community wants from it. Once we have succeeded in doing this we then turn our heads to giving the lovenest some much needed help.
3. Rebuild the Lovenest: I have now words on how we can do this yet so Id like to hear from our community. What do you guys suggest we do when we come to this step? We need new game types, remove maps, remove that dreaded sound file that causes poor players to wait for 5min to fully download and much much more.
This is what I wanted to say during the meeting so now I guess we are in a bit of uproar about this Id like to see if I could help.