UncleTestes wrote:While I don't think this guy should go free, that "dumb law" was in place for a reason. Self defense laws HAVE saved lives. Those situations just don't make it to the liberal news as often as people who it didn't save.
In any case, I'm not sure what was going through this guy's mind when he shot into the car, but whatever it was I don't think the shooting is justified.
EDIT: In addition, this is relevant.
Maringue wrote:UncleTestes wrote:While I don't think this guy should go free, that "dumb law" was in place for a reason. Self defense laws HAVE saved lives. Those situations just don't make it to the liberal news as often as people who it didn't save.
In any case, I'm not sure what was going through this guy's mind when he shot into the car, but whatever it was I don't think the shooting is justified.
EDIT: In addition, this is relevant.
I agree, but I also think that if someone has an easy route of escape, they need to take it before being legally allowed to use deadly force in their own defense.
Sanic-X wrote:Yes, I agree, self-defense law save lives, but this is ridiculous. In my opinion, it is just too easy to get guns in America, and that America is just so violent in general.
UncleTestes wrote:Sanic-X wrote:Yes, I agree, self-defense law save lives, but this is ridiculous. In my opinion, it is just too easy to get guns in America, and that America is just so violent in general.
Making guns more difficult to obtain isn't going to solve anything, and neither will banning them. If a group is planning to get guns to rob a bank, they WILL find a way, whether they have to smuggle them or steal them.
And yeah, dem CA gun rights laws.
Balubish wrote:UncleTestes wrote:Sanic-X wrote:Yes, I agree, self-defense law save lives, but this is ridiculous. In my opinion, it is just too easy to get guns in America, and that America is just so violent in general.
Making guns more difficult to obtain isn't going to solve anything, and neither will banning them. If a group is planning to get guns to rob a bank, they WILL find a way, whether they have to smuggle them or steal them.
And yeah, dem CA gun rights laws.
Yeah true but you missed on pretty obvious fact even though robber, and killers and such will always exist.
Guns dont kill ppl, ppl like this that have guns do. If that idiot didnt have the same rights for carrying a gun he probably wouldnt have one Im guessing, and he wouldnt be able to shoot at that car in the first place, and probably just flipping them of and screaming instead of shooting at the car. Angry persons or ppl with low fuse that gets pissed of easily can be dangerous. Same situation, give him a gun and see and the end result is much worse. How humans work. We are mentally fragile beeing in this world. If we were an animals we fight for survival. Stuff like this makes us just stupid. "IF we have a weapon we will probably use it either way. Don't have a weapon, well then what? Just like religous wars. Weak fuckin ppl with braindamage. Example, Palestina or what the hell they are from. Jews and Muslims have been fighting for thousands of years "With weapons" why? Cause of religous supersticous crap. I hate you, no I hate you more, bla bla bla die infedel etc. Weak fucking ppl that shouldnt have guns in the first place. Personally I hate ppl that you can't discuss with even though you have different believes in. We should all roll a big fuckin joint and cover earth in a big fog of smoke and all chill.
Sorry I might have gone of topic a bit but fuck it, im not deleting all that. And probably alot of typos. Sorry about that, no im not.
Beartato wrote:The Palestine-Israel conflict is so much more than a religious conflict; you would have the exact same conflict if you put in two aetheist cultures into that situation.
Beartato wrote:There are very significant political aspects to the Palestinian-Israeli situation. The whole thing began with Western countries carving up the Middle East and displacing some people to move other people in. So much of it is struggles between groups for land, water, rights, etc.
As for Columbine, those kids had some pipe bombs and they could have easily made more. In fact, the largest school massacre in the US was the Bath School Massacre in which some guy killed 44 people using explosives. If people have an interest in killing others, they can and will make it happen with or without guns.
Beartato wrote: In fact, the largest school massacre in the US was the Bath School Massacre in which some guy killed 44 people using explosives. If people have an interest in killing others, they can and will make it happen with or without guns.
Beartato wrote:If people have an interest in killing others, they can and will make it happen with or without guns.
GoDM1N wrote:More on topic however, while I'm not on the guys side, I have thought about slashing someones tires before for rolling about with that loud "thug music" in parking lots etc.
UncleTestes wrote:Beartato wrote:If people have an interest in killing others, they can and will make it happen with or without guns.
^pretty much sums it up^
Don't you love these people though: "uh if guns wer illegil then no 1 wud get shot duh comon sense"
Sure is common sense, if there weren't a such thing as other countries or ships.
Maringue wrote:UncleTestes wrote:Beartato wrote:If people have an interest in killing others, they can and will make it happen with or without guns.
^pretty much sums it up^
Don't you love these people though: "uh if guns wer illegil then no 1 wud get shot duh comon sense"
Sure is common sense, if there weren't a such thing as other countries or ships.
Some people will always have the urge to kill someone else. That's a fact. It's also a fact that those people will be able to kill more people with a semi-auto with a 30 round clip. That's also a fact. So why can't we make it harder to get those items that let the psychos multiply their body count.
My favorite example. After one of the mass shootings, I can't keep track of which, a news story came out of China. A dude went crazy and stabbed something like 22 people. Every over zealous gun owners came out of the woodworks to say "Look, crazy people will perform violent acts even if they can't get guns!"
Funny thing is that if they read 10 seconds past the headline, they would see why this didn't support their point. In the first two sentences, the article stated that out of the 22, one person was killed and 4 others were significantly injured. The rest had minor injuries. Had they same story included a guy with a gun, the dead toll would have been much, much, much higher. So yeah, guns help people kill more people.
Maringue wrote:My favorite example. After one of the mass shootings, I can't keep track of which, a news story came out of China. A dude went crazy and stabbed something like 22 people. Every over zealous gun owners came out of the woodworks to say "Look, crazy people will perform violent acts even if they can't get guns!"
Funny thing is that if they read 10 seconds past the headline, they would see why this didn't support their point. In the first two sentences, the article stated that out of the 22, one person was killed and 4 others were significantly injured. The rest had minor injuries. Had they same story included a guy with a gun, the dead toll would have been much, much, much higher. So yeah, guns help people kill more people.
Maringue wrote:Florida is soon going to become the state where whom ever draws their gun first wins.
UncleTestes wrote:Maringue wrote:Florida is soon going to become the state where whom ever draws their gun first wins.
That's not necessarily true. If 3 guys rob a bank, and 8 citizens draw their pistols in the bank, the robbers know they won't get out unharmed if they continue. They may be stupid enough to rob it, but they're not going to be stupid enough to die. They didn't go there to kill people, just to steal cash.
But anyway, yeah. Back on topic. Why call it attempted murder if it was successful? At least he won't see freedom again.
Except substitute any non-white person for the animals
Maringue wrote:But back on topic, so they convicted the guy of attempted murder and firing into and occupied vehicle, but not guilty on the attempted murder that was FUCKING SUCCESSFUL. Fuck you Florida, fuck you.
Here's the problem. The only person who claims there was a gun was Dunn. No one else, not the police, not his girlfriend, not the kids in the car he shot into, NO ONE except the shooter saw a gun and they still let him off. This is basically setting the precedent that if you shoot first and claim you were in fear of your life you will get off.
Luckily, his going to be doing a minimum of 60 years in jail. Unfortunately that doesn't change the fact that they didn't find him guilty of murder and that shooting of unarmed kids is ok because they piss you off.
Florida is soon going to become the state where whom ever draws their gun first wins.
Maringue wrote:Oh, and apparently this just happened: http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/17/us/arkansas-prank-death/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
Yep, another proud gun owner defending himself from the viciously threatening combo of eggs, toilet paper and mayonnaise.
psyk wrote:Maringue wrote:Oh, and apparently this just happened: http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/17/us/arkansas-prank-death/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
Yep, another proud gun owner defending himself from the viciously threatening combo of eggs, toilet paper and mayonnaise.
This one will depend on Arkansas' laws in regards to protection of property. In Texas, house and car or castle domain. And if someone is threatening the well being of your castle, you are allowed to defend it. Don't agree he shot them, but the kids need to not be defacing peoples shit, even if in retaliation to a prank.
psyk wrote:They didn't count him guilty of first degree murder. The prosecutor will come back with a lesser murder charge. They didn't see premeditated intent to kill which is definition of first degree (Dating a lawyer). He will most likely be guilty of murder when prosecutor comes back with the proper charge.
UncleTestes wrote:This should have been a situation where the homeowner asked questions first and shot later. One thing that caught my attention was that the shooter was charged with an act of terrorism, as well as a couple of other charges. Terrorism, of all things?
Maringue wrote:psyk wrote:They didn't count him guilty of first degree murder. The prosecutor will come back with a lesser murder charge. They didn't see premeditated intent to kill which is definition of first degree (Dating a lawyer). He will most likely be guilty of murder when prosecutor comes back with the proper charge.
A common misconception about premeditation is the amount of time. You don't have to be planning something a day or even an hour ahead of time. As long as it wasn't an instantaneous reaction, then it's premeditated.
When he said stuff like "They were playing that rap crap and acting like thugs," and then proceeded to shoot someone who had an imaginary gun, that's still premeditation. 2nd Degree murder would be a fine conviction for me though.
The problem is the precedent it sets. If you even imagine a gun that not a single other person can prove exists and use it as justification for the use of deadly force, you're going to end up devolving into a shooting gallery.
And let's not even forget the woman who fired a warning shot (who happened to be black) because she feared for her life was sentenced to 20 years. Go Florida, way to enforce your laws equally.
Also, several studies show that Stand Your Ground doesn't reduce home invasions, robberies or assaults and has increased the rate of death by firearms significantly.
Ron Swansons Stache wrote: I understand people will get guns and people will kill people no matter what, but how do you respond to something that staggering?
GoDM1N wrote:I would respond by saying they're not related. There is very little homicide caused from legal ownership, it's mostly from illegal guns. Taking away legal ownership would likely result in more illegal gun related homicide. Again, it's a gang problem, not a legal ownership problem. What your suggesting is a misuse of statistics
GoDM1N wrote:Also why can't we leave this to the jury? Ever consider they have access to knowledge that more factual than the crap most media sites pump out for views?
How? Most gun crime comes from illegal use yes? So the course of action should be to ban assault rifles right? Yea, make sense. I'm not saying there shouldn't be laws regarding firearms, but for example, the suggested ban on assault rifles was one of the dumbest and most desperate attempts to gain support from people like you (strongly anti gun) I've seen. Its not to help prevent murder, its to please the anti gun crowd, that's it.Maringue wrote:That's the wonderful Catch-22 of the pro-gun argument. Illegal guns are the problem, but you can't do ANYTHING about it because that would only affect legal gun owners. It's just bullshit
Criminals are not making guns in their basements.
Sure, this is a problem. I however have yet to hear a real answer to fixing it however. It's a consequence of freedom and privacy. Which happen to be two things that are very important to myself, and a lot of other Americans.At some point, a legally purchased gun was sold/given to a criminal. That could happen at the gun store/show (lax background checks) or in a sale between two private individuals. But no matter what you say, at some point a legally made firearm got illegally transferred to a criminal.
I wouldn't have a problem with cracking down on straw buyers. This said, to me, the real question is why are we giving people $50,000 a week? Really? Are there people who need that much to live? That's more than I make a year. This living off the government shits got to go. Put them to work in the military or somethingSo yes, there is something we can do about it. First thing would be to crack down on straw buyers, like the guy on welfare in Arizona who was buying $50,000 worth of guns PER FUCKING WEEK, but the government couldn't do anything about it because that would be infringing his 2nd Amendment rights.
Again, consequence of freedom and privacy. Going back to what I've been saying this whole time though, taking away firearms wouldn't fix the problem. The problem is dependent on gang warfare, not firearms. The government has made it very profitable to be a criminal due to things like the drug warBut apparently ANYTHING that makes the system less leak proof would create "an undue burden on legal gun owners". So the NRA would rather have criminals get guns than have someone fill out some extra paperwork or wait a day or two longer to get their gun while a background check goes through. That's fucking great. But why would the NRA want to keep guns out of criminal hands? They're great fucking customers! It's all about sales to them, and guns are a durable product that has nearly saturated the segment of the population that wants to own one.
I have to say, that was pretty insulting and racist and shows a great deal of ignorance on the situation.There are only so many rednecks that want 48 guns to defend themselves against the government invasion of their backwater home.
Oh its not just the southBecause Stand Your Ground defenses have about a 1% success rate if the person isn't white. And racism is still quite rampant and middle aged white people from the South are terrified of young black men.
Again, we were not part of the jury, the jury has facts I do not. That or they're just racist, I won't say that is completely ruled out but assuming that is the case they should of chose the jury more wisely. Oh, and need I bring up OJRead this: http://www.vladtv.com/blog/184751/non-fatal-self-defense-shooting-gets-black-military-vet-25-yrs/ or just Google Michael Giles.
Then come up with your own justice system, with black jack, and hookers. Just because you read something in the news doesn't make it factual or means its the full story.Guilty, 25 years. Case closed. That's why we can't just leave it up to juries.
Again, consequence of freedom and privacy. Going back to what I've been saying this whole time though, taking away firearms wouldn't fix the problem. The problem is dependent on gang warfare, not firearms. The government has made it very profitable to be a criminal due to things like the drug war
I'm not sure how difference of opinion is insulting, but okay, sorry for insulting you.Maringue wrote:This is kind of insulting since it implies that your desire for privacy trumps someone else's desire to not be shot and killed. And there's the problem, reducing the number of gun WILL reduce the number of people killed with them, it's just a fact.
That's not what I'm saying at all. Do you think making it harder to legally obtain a firearm will really stop a criminal capable of murder from getting one? Because that is what you're asking for, and to me its nonsense. Like I said I have no problem with keeping them out of criminals hands, but there's only so much you can do, there is always a loop hole and at some point you have to fix the pipe instead of applying more duct tape to stop that dripping. Putting a end to the drug war would massively drop the amount of homicide we see in the US for instance, much like it did after prohibition. Much more so than any gun law you could pass because even if you made guns completely illegal, guess what, criminals (you know, the ones doing 99% of the homicides) still have guns and the homicide rate isn't changedYou've just described the Catch-22, can't keep guns out of criminals hands because my privacy might be slightly affected, so we can't make it harder for criminals to get guns, so in turn people claim they need more guns to protect themselves from criminals with guns. The circle of logic for the NRA, who won't be happy until everyone is packing and we have old west style shootouts 3 times a week. Let's be clear, I have no problem with legal gun ownership. But the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect you from having to prove you are legally allowed to buy a gun.
I like how this ties into what I was saying above.Oh, that guy was not getting $50k a week from welfare, I thought that was obvious. If you thought that was the biggest problem in this whole discussion, we have a bigger issue then. He was getting paid by a Mexican drug cartel to buy guns for them. But no one could even investigate him because it was in AZ and that would infringe his 2nd Amendment rights. Never mind that it's fucking obvious to anyone that something illegal is going on if a man with a monthly income of $1500 is buying nearly a quarter million dollars worth of firearms a month.
Also, why is it that 2nd Amendment rights people think it's the ONLY amendment that cannot be constrained under any circumstances? The Supreme Court doesn't agree with you, and every single other amendment has reasonable restrictions placed on it. I can't yell fire in a movie theater now can I, or at least without going to jail? No right is unfettered, not a single one. But that's fine, we can continue to have a gun death rate higher than any other 1st world nation and just do nothing while people die from a preventable cause. That seems sensible. After all, the government might know you own a gun, and we can't have that.
You can drive above the speed limit as well, should we remove the ability to do so? You're right its a privilege, and should be taken away if abused, but that trust between government and people is what freedom is to me.Arty_pn wrote:Abuse your privacy and it can become a crime.
They are, but we're talking about the relation between the drug war and the homicide rate, which the right to bare arms has little to do with. Remove the drug war and homicide rates will go down at least 80%, add more gun laws and it won't change because you haven't attacked the actual problem.The right of baring arms and the drug war are to separate issues,
guns are an issue of allowing people to apply lethal force on a whim and the sociology of a society under the impression that not all is right with the world
the drug war is an issue with treating a medical problem as a crime.
The proxy that privacy is the reason why the populous allows lenient weapon laws is a fallacy. The majority of people want to have a few more gun laws if it means less fatalities.
The real reason advocates dislike gun laws is because there is a fear fueled by echo chambers that not being able to use a weapon for any whim is degrading.
Potato guns can be pretty dangerous (so can fireworks) doesn't stop people from partaking in them.Tell me how many people with risk a homemade gun killing themselves instead of their target
GoDM1N wrote:I trust people, and don't think the government needs to stick their hands in our business unless its directly effecting others. You'd rather them handle everything and baby the public. The yelling out in a theater directly effects others, so I have no problem with the law, but I also do not think they need to know you have the ability to shout for our "safety". You can currently buy a car that goes well over the speed limit, would you suggest a ban on this as well? That trust between people and government is essential to me. They allow me to own something that has the capability of breaking a law, and trust me to use it correctly.
That's not what I'm saying at all. Do you think making it harder to legally obtain a firearm will really stop a criminal capable of murder from getting one? Because that is what you're asking for, and to me its nonsense. Like I said I have no problem with keeping them out of criminals hands, but there's only so much you can do, there is always a loop hole and at some point you have to fix the pipe instead of applying more duct tape to stop that dripping.
Hows that drug war going? How'd prohibition go?Maringue wrote: I refuse to accept the argument that we can do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns or even reduce that number. It's just pure, uncut bullshit.
Yea, its not like Russia has made billions, if not trillions, of guns over the years that have been sold/gifted all over the world. And it's definitely not like some of those guns find their way to the US with out any government knowledgeEver single fucking gun that any criminal has ever owned was legally sold to someone at some point.
No, its like saying "Well I keep curing cancer but it keeps coming back some other way, but I definitely shouldn't try to find out whats causing the cancer in the first place"Guess what, there will always be loopholes, but that doesn't mean we can't try to fix them anyway. Saying that because there will always be some criminal who can get a gun (even if it's ridiculously hard) is not a valid reason for trying to make it harder for criminals to get guns. That would be like me saying, "Well, I can't cure all cancer, so I shouldn't try to cure any cancer and just go home."
Thats why we have signs like this.And yes, it's not a matter of opinion. Your desire to not want the government knowing if you own a gun is completely subservient to another citizens right to continue their existence without being riddled with bullets.
Honestly, trying to bring the constitution in on this topic is a bag of nuts I don't want to open. Not because I think it'd go against my wishes, but because technically it doesn't say what kind of firearms etc, so yes you could argue its not unconstitutional to ban all but potato guns, but like wise someone could argue they should have the ability to own a nuke. It just doesn't go anywhere and is really just a argument of "I interpret the constitution as this, there for you're wrong"Again, all Constitutionally protected rights may have reasonable restrictions put on them. One of the most pro-gun judges on the SCOTUS, Scalia, stated that reasonable restrictions may be placed on gun ownership without violating the 2nd Amendment, so I don't know why people still argue that it would be unconstitutional to do so.
At the core they're not, its the reason why people are killing each other is what you should be looking at. Assuming you could magically take away all firearms in the US you'd still have gangs killing each other for the "right" to sell drugs to the American public, which is exactly what happen with prohibition.Also, guns and the homicide rate are directly linked since the vast majority are committed with guns. Saying the two are unrelated is like saying air and staying alive are unrelated.
Ron Swansons Stache wrote:"I trust people..unless it's people who work for the government! THEN KEEP YOUR GRUBBY HANDS OFF ME!!"
GoDM1N wrote:
GoDM1N wrote:If you want to bring down the homicide rate, for both the US and Mexico, stop the drug war.
GoDM1N wrote:
Honestly, trying to bring the constitution in on this topic is a bag of nuts I don't want to open. Not because I think it'd go against my wishes, but because technically it doesn't say what kind of firearms etc, so yes you could argue its not unconstitutional to ban all but potato guns, but like wise someone could argue they should have the ability to own a nuke. It just doesn't go anywhere and is really just a argument of "I interpret the constitution as this, there for you're wrong"
It's not as much as it looks compared to what it was during. I have however always assumed it was on the rise due to the environment leading up to prohibition and the fights between the wet and the dryRon Swansons Stache wrote:
What about the 10 year period before prohibition where it's clearly going up?
Then why is the murder rate lower in states with more lenient gun laws? Also to mock the proposed ban on assault rifles, more people are killed by hammers than assault rifles in the USBut that doesn't mean banning guns would not bring down the homicide rate.
Maringue wrote:Now the homicide rate map is harder to read because of how the statistics are reported, but it's pretty obvious. High poverty correlates well with high homicide rate. And low educational levels correlate well with high poverty rates.
That makes the solution pretty simply, more education. But that would mean spending less on Defense, which republicans won't ever let happen. We spend ~3-6 billion on education and 600-700 billion on defense despite the fact that our greatest threats come from a population that is lagging behind in overall educational levels.
GoDM1N wrote:This is 100% true, however I could argue that poverty and the drug war are connected because 1, its a trillion dollar failure that has only brought more drugs into the US at cheaper prices, and 2, it feeds crime into communities and turns people to that lifestyle, making that part of the problem even worse.
Might want to check your facts on that.Maringue wrote:Making drugs illegal makes them harder to get and more expensive, so saying the drug war has caused more and cheaper drugs to show up is just not true.
29. (Effectiveness of Enforcement) "Similar evidence of the drug war’s failure is provided by US drug surveillance data. For example, from 1981 to 2011, the budget of the US Office of National Drug Control Policy increased by more than 600 percent (inflation-adjusted). However, despite increasing annual multibillion dollar investments in drug control, US government data suggest an approximate inflation- and purity-adjusted decrease in heroin price of 80 percent, and a greater than 900 percent increase in heroin purity between 1981 and 2002, clearly indicating that expenditures on interventions to reduce the supply of heroin into the United States were unsuccessful."
- See more at: http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/heroin# ... xR0ly.dpuf
Maringue wrote:And as a country, we need to stop putting people in jail for petty shit. Prison is where petty thieves learn to become actual criminals. Also, our prison system doesn't rehabilitate people at all, and I don't even think they are trying. What's the point of locking someone up if when they get out they are going to go right back to becoming a criminal?
Ron Swansons Stache wrote:Maringue wrote:And as a country, we need to stop putting people in jail for petty shit. Prison is where petty thieves learn to become actual criminals. Also, our prison system doesn't rehabilitate people at all, and I don't even think they are trying. What's the point of locking someone up if when they get out they are going to go right back to becoming a criminal?
Revenge justice, our society is obsessed with it. Or at least around here it is. It's really scary, honestly.
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