jesse wrote:Honestly they were all to blame, some more than others. Although Joe Pa only did what he was supposed to do, it comes down to morals. He really should've went to the authorities so honestly I think the university took a good approach to the situation. I'd love to see Sandusky get raped in prison.
By technicality, the guy who walked in on Sandusky sodomizing the victim did not have any legal binding that required him to act at that moment (physical separation from the victim, etc.). Granted, morality would say that he should have done something at that moment.
A lot of people are bullshitting themselves, in my opinion. If they walked in on Sandusky doing what he did, would they stop him, as they claim they would have if they were in the same position?
I also think that they were just looking for a reason to oust Joe Paterno from his position. Most coaches like him retire around 60; he was 85 (I think). They saw no better chance at canning him when this fiasco reared its ugly head.