Failhorse wrote:That's equating the same bs. versus the teabaggers saying "keep the gov't hands of my medicare"
No one is trying to abolish corporations. They're trying to block the corporate greed. I've posted about that several times. Nothing wrong with makng a profit. Something wrong with the board making 440 times what the average worker does.
Failhorse wrote:I don't think you can judge what will come out of these protests. The Tea Party started against the bail outs of wall street, and turned into something very different.
As for the rich protecting their interests. Their interest is all the money. I'd vote to go back to a top marginal tax rate of 97% in a heartbeat. Worked til the 70s. Will work again.
Techercizer wrote:I can't judge what will happen from these protests, that's for sure. As with any action in this world, great and small, they have the potential to cause great improvement and great suffering. What I can observe and form opinions on, though, are the demands the protesters are making, and the reasons they say they are demonstrating, and those seem naive to me. Naive opinions often drive me to parody out of boredom, which brings us back to the original post once more.
Failhorse wrote:Techercizer wrote:I can't judge what will happen from these protests, that's for sure. As with any action in this world, great and small, they have the potential to cause great improvement and great suffering. What I can observe and form opinions on, though, are the demands the protesters are making, and the reasons they say they are demonstrating, and those seem naive to me. Naive opinions often drive me to parody out of boredom, which brings us back to the original post once more.
When you get any group of democrats/liberals together they never know what to do. That's the problem. Everyone has a frikken opinion on one thing or another. Now if they could be more like the republicans and lockstep on 1-2 key issues. That'd be something. But it will never happen. the left is a big tent. So many people wanting so many things, when we finally get something. The response is crumbs to everyone. Not a solution to one. So no one is happy.
Remember the core of republican values. Abortion. Such a hot topic. Yet 30 years of republican "rule" and they never actually banned it. Why? If they did, what hot button issue would be used to raise millions of dollars every year. We even needed two separate bills saying no gov't money for abortion. The first one wasn't good enough. Or they just played it as a wild card and needed to appease their base. After convincing them that Romney care would fund it.
Maringue wrote:One of the main problems is the quarterly earnings reports that are required for publically held companies. You'd think transparency is a good thing, but what it does is make the coperation solely focused on that single value. Most coompanies have lost sight of long term or even medium term goals. So much of their energy is focused on what's happening for the next 3 months that they don't care about anything else.
Good employees used to be seen as an asset to a company, something that would help them grow and produce better products. Now they are seen as a liability. Many of the companies that layed off thousands of people were still making solid profits off of their business, but the profit wasn't high enough for their stockholders, so they layed off a third of their work force so they could squeeze out another couple percent profit. Short term you get some extra cash, but it's a horribe business practice.
That's the problem with our whole country right now. Too many idiots are concerned with what will happen tomorrow as opposed to 1 year from now or more.
Also, if we want politics to be responsive to the citizens of this country instead of beholden to a tiny group of people with mountains of money we need to have publically funded elections, or at the very least some fucking political finance reform.
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