While I'm not saying I won't vote, this basically sums up every reason I hate politics. I had this misfortune of going to a High School just filled to the brim with 16 year olds who got a hard on every time something political comes up so they can pretend they're smart by reciting what their parents ranted about at the dinner table the night before. The worst were the Debate Club kids (the ones that I didn't like, my best friend was in it and I knew most of the not-assholes from it) who turned every conversation into an argument, because their opinion mattered so much at 16! Now a days I can't hit the block button faster when people start spamming my Facebook newsfeed with bullshit articles and macros about how wrong everybody who doesn't agree with them are.
Honestly, the Internet isn't even the worst offenders, it's the news stations in general. I refuse to watch the news. Any news. People go on and on about how terrible Fox is because it's conservatively biased, but find it perectly fine that NBC, CBS, ABC and damn near every other news station is liberally biased. I hate that mentality, where it's wrong to be biased, unless its biased toward your side. Honestly, if you want actual balanced news converage, you're better off scouring online articles (not blogs, god no). At least you can read two or three with different view points in half the time it takes for some news anchor trying to sell a book to tell you about how wrong the people that their watchers disagree with are.
Yes, I'm going into the Military, and I admit that if at gunpoint I were forced to pick a side I would say I'm conservative, but that's only because that is the lable that has been forced upon my viewpoints. When I vote this coming election, I'm going to vote for whoever I feel will keep me well equipped and fully operational if and when I'm someday deployed in some hell hole. I have view points that fall into both sides of the spectrum, and I don't have to take my views to the most illogical extreme to get them accross.