Wearing Flag shirts in school is fine. Inciting arguments, threats, and violence is not tolerated in school, as it is mistreatment of peers and other shit relating to it.
The law suit the gang filed against the school was thrown out and will remain in the "Bullshit Lawsuits" garbage bin. The kids are making this rhetorical claim that the school is oppressing American pride and nationalism to all students. No, the gang of kids responsible for the fiasco were told to get rid of their flag shirts. Since they were the inciters, the school was probably concerned that they would spark another debacle by wearing their shirts. What the school board says goes, and if the kids don't like it, they should have their parents find a new school District.
Harri wrote:School is for school.
Not particularly.
School has been implicated within society to give education, I'm not arguing that. However, if that is its sole purpose, then kids would grow up to be drones.
The social aspect of school is probably more influential in a kid's life, and experiences (both good and bad) will be remembered more vividly than what they learn in the classroom. The social aspect of school is pivotal for shaping a kid's conscious, what he/she deems right or wrong, decision making, etc.
Harri wrote:They should restrain the nationalism to the American History class and the Hispanic Cultural class.
American History class is not meant to teach nationalism. It is meant to teach American History.
(For a moment, let's disregard the fact that a lot of schools do this already.) If nationalism is taught in all schools, then American History teachers/professors would most likely say that America has never been wrong, it has never made any bad decisions (except electing Barack Obama, the socialist fascist communist covert Al-Qaeda agent who doesn't have a birth certificate.) the country is the supposed to be the empire of Earth and the last, best hope for humanity.
Nationalism is perfectly fine. Starting fights over it in school isn't. That's the marginal difference.