Name: Nathaniel
Steam: Mariner's Rime
Date of ban: 7/20/2014 2:00 pm.
I was just banned for "general cheating" and I don't know what I am supposed to say. I play scout, demo, sniper, and heavy mostly and I have 60 hours logged as sniper, the class I was playing when I was banned. I don't know what led to the admins thinking I was cheating because I get head shots, body shots, and misses just like everyone else. A lot of people complain when I play scout because I just rush in and jump about, and people say I never miss yet I have like 37% accuracy with scattergun. If I see someone a long way off I will shoot to injure and scare them off but I never expect long shot kills. I miss all the time, and from the chat about me, Birk thought I never missed. Obviously not true, judging from bullet holes along the walls in random lines while I'm heavy.
I play a lot of FPS on PC and I'm pretty good at aiming. I don't know why it requires a charge of cheating and a permanent ban. If you have a specific reason to address I would be happy to comment. However, I was not cheating, and despite only 150 hours on TF2, it doesn't mean I'm a noob who obviously could not be so good.
To address what Birk said about people calling me out and stopping, maybe it is because, like the title of the game indicates, I do not have such a good team with me. Or I am having a bad game or someone else is doing well shutting me down. Heavy is my least favorite class I play but in payload I use it to, well, push the cart, as is the objective, so me just "switching off" is me being tired of playing a spray and pray class.
I hope you can understand what I am saying as a gamer. I like the server and community, and if you want to ban me still then it is your call but when I play a game for a long time, I don't want to be kicked off because I am doing well. It certainly wasn't constant if you look at the leaderboards throughout the games. I wish you all the best regardless.