Since I'm going to be online most of the summer, I figured I'd try again for Pinkmin and make my time on the Fun Servers more useful. Suppose I'll start with Watermelon's questions.
1) I found the Love Nest while searching for a game of Saxton in January of 2012 and I've been playing on it ever since, so about a year and a half I've been with CSn.
2) Throughout the summer, I'll be online for probably almost every weekday and some if not most weekends.
3) I have no previous admin experience, but I've seen how admins do their stuff on the CSn Fun Servers, and I think I have a pretty good feel of it.
4) Not quite 18, but I will be in November. (the servergoers often say I sound like I'm, like, 25 or 26 if that helps any~)
5) I've completed a year of high school IT (Strata certified now), I live for fair treatment (not racist or anything), I have a sexy voice, and possibly various other things I can't quite think of right now.
6) I am completely okay with populating a server. I doubt that will be a problem, because the servers are usually at least half full from 10 am to 10 pm, but again I have no problem with it.
7) I am applying for Pinkmin status, so I assume that applies to both the Love Nest and Fun Server 2.
8) I think I made my CS website profile sometime September of last year, so it's been maybe 3/4 of a year.
-EDIT: My apologies, I actually joined November 20 of last year.
9) This is my 30th post, but I've recently been making an effort to be more active on the forums.
Nikki Wolf graciously agreed to sponsor me and I've already joined CSn Elite.
One thing I have noticed about Fun server admin attendance is that I almost never see one sole admin on a server, except sometimes Johnydrisk. It's usually either 2-4 or none at all. Since I get on most of the day, I figured that would solve the problem of not often having an admin present.
So thank you for your consideration~
Testes out.