Everyone hates scammers. We'd love for you to report them so that we can remove them from our servers.
We secretly run HLSTATSX on our trade server, and log all connect, disconnect and chat events. So if the scam is obvious through the chat logs we'll be able to deal justice. If reporting a scammer, make the title SCAMMER: <name> and, if possible, provide the time the scam occurred, and the person who got scammed along with the scammer's name.
We'd like to prevent this trash from ever scamming again, so we'll permaban them from the trade server. I also think we should make a public hall of shame for other trade servers to use as a guide so that the scammers don't go somewhere else after getting banned.
Good luck with your trades, and be careful of the scammers.
Also, I think Benny's Trading Post should have a NO-TOLERANCE policy about double trades (trades with more than 8 items)