Burning Flames Cheiftains

Love this hat, so it will not go easy at all.
B/o: Wow Me
Burning Flames Tricorne

I think this is the best Demo hat in the game (don't care what anyone says) so It will take a truly amazing offer for me to even consider trading it.
-Heats Samur-Eye (TF2TP)
Burning Flames Brain Slug (Lime)

One of the best Pyro hats out there, I know there are a few for sale on SoP already. And I wont be letting this hat go for the same price as the other sellers are looking for

-Orbiting Fire Noble Amassment + 20 keys (DTHEDOG2)
-Scorching Hotrod+ Purple Energy Football Helmet+ Smoking Mongolian (Undisputed)
Brokering this for a friend
Sunbeams Familiar Fez

-Beams Guadalahara + Scorching Pyromancer (Slushy)
-V. Bills + Blizzard Big Chief (TF2TP)
B/o:20-21 Buds
Brokering as well
Purple Energy Dead Cone

Also Brokering
Nutz-N-Boltz Armored Authority

Great Hat, with a fitting effect. A much nicer option to fetti, logo or peace.
-Buds + Cremator #28 + G. Jefe
B/o: Around 3-4 Buds
Also, if anyone was wondering I did make all these screenshots myself


Sold List
-Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect
-Peace Sign Stout Shako
-G. Energy Drill Sgt.
-P. Energy Tyrants