This will be my epic. And this is a koth map. To put size into perspective. The length of the labyrinth is 3 badwaters. It's also living. It wants to kill you and trap you inside forever. Random logic as well as invisible triggers will change pathways and routes. This point of the map teams are separate. If someone manages to escape, a trigger will engage a teleport. Allowing their team to bypass the labyrinth and go to the next stage. Here both teams will engage each other as they try to access the building. Teams will also be able to reverse through the labyrinth and disable the other teams teleport.
Meanwhile the building creates a new challenge. There are 8 identical floors. Each floor has 6 doors. (Which are really teleports.) They will teleport you to another floor. Figure out the logic (the same path could take you to different destinations.) and you will get to the roof. There you will find 2 doors. Choose the right door go on to the next stage. Choose the wrong door and be teleported randomly into the labyrinth.
Currently I have no next stage. Thinking of something interesting. So for now you are teleported to the point. Cap the point, you win!
I tested the first 2 stages last night. The labyrinth took me 20 minutes to solve. Couldn't get out of the building.
Good luck!
if the image isn't showing up: ... A793D1630/