Prop Hunt
Guess That Number!
- Guess a number from 1 to the number of players on the server.
- The team that gets it right will get a benefit.
- If it is not guessed by the round start, then the game is void.
- You cannot guess more than once.
- If hunter team wins. The hiding team gets frozen for 10 seconds at the round start.
- If hiding team wins. The hunter team gets set ablaze (Even pyros) for a short duration, limiting their health. Don't worry, boys, it can still be healed!
- The hunting team receives a lower gravity, but are drugged.
- The hiding team receives a higher gravity, but not enough to prevent jumping.
- One player at random will have their drugs ticked off every 30 seconds.
- One player at random every 30 seconds will be set ablaze.
- One player at random every 30 seconds will be frozen.
- When there are 3 or less hiding team remaining, they will be beaconed and the entire hunting team will be set ablaze.
Space Dodgeball
- Lower Gravity for both teams. Nothing more.
Hot Foot
- Both teams will be set ablaze at the start of the round.
- (Under construction) I really want to be able to increase movement speed too.
Saxton Hale
Odds or Evens
- Saxton chooses 1 or 2.
- If it is the correct number, a random enemy is frozen for 10 seconds.
- If it is the wrong number, then Saxton is frozen for 10 seconds.
- Saxton can choose to do this at any time, but if he gets it wrong, he may not try again for the rest of the round.
- 10 Second Cool Down.
- May not be used with The Hidden or Vagineer.
- A random opposing team player (Not saxton) will recieve a random bonus or penalty.
- Penalties are: Burning, 10 Second Freeze, Drugs, or Heavy Gravity.
- Bonuses are: Lower gravity, Burning Saxton, or Overheal (Testing).
Night of the Damned
- Random Players will be slain to amass the zombies to 6 in the beginning.
- Zombie team will be lit ablaze every 30 seconds.
- Survivor team may choose to Stim themselves. This drugs them and gives them Lower Gravity
- At 60 Seconds remaining, one zombie will randomly be chosen to be overhealed dramatically, but drugged.
Follow Your Ears
- Beacon will be toggled randomly on zombies and survivors alike.
- Zombies may choose one survivor to freeze for 10 seconds per round. Unusable when 3 or less survivors remain. The zombie who chooses first will be ignited.
- When there is one survivor left, he will be immune to beacon and all zombies will be beaconed.
Medieval Zelda
- UNDER CONSTRUCTION (Until we find a way to turn Medieval on other maps!)
Mario Brothers
Jump Like My Brother
- Blue Team will be given lower gravity.
- Red Team will also recieve lower gravity, but not as much as blue team.
- The team that wins causes the losers to be Drugged Next Round. (Don't worry, if you die, drugs wear off!)
These are all concepts! And likely will only be Event based with coordination of multiple admins!
Currently most of these will just be on the blackboard!
Prop Hunt's "Guess That Number" is the only one I am willing to do for now.