I got a tremendous amount of support today for something that didn't need supporting. I would like to thank the following people who gave me "going away" presents because they're some of the coolest people I've ever played a video game with.
Litehound: Uncrated a Degreaser for me with a crate from Edgar and a key from Moose
Edgar Allan Pwn: Gave the Crate 31 to Litehound and a Medics Killed part for the Degreaser
Moose: Gave me a key and a refined metal I think
Sonic: Refined Metal (like getting a gift card~)
Caveman: Gave me his beloved Armored Authority and took my blasted Stout Shako for ...uh... Two Refined.
Zuul: Gave me his virginity
Iket (Chimpanzeagle): Gave me Dr. Whoa and Aged Moustache Gray Spectre's Spectacles
I hope I didn't leave anyone out and I feel bad for accepting all of these gifts. I love you guys.