So who's all interested in this? Post here with your favorite scrimming class.
Personally, I'd be interested in Soldier or Medic. I'm not a really good soldier but I'd really like to learn and improve.
Also, with tf2lobby we can be more casual about class selection. So basically we'd only need a group of people who can play together.
The Ranks so far:
- Benny Hill - Any class
- VoltySquirrel - Pyro, scout
- Admiral Ackbar - Scout, Medic
- Plasma Waffle - Soldier
- dieinafire - Any class
- Argent - Scout, Medic
- Big Bear - Demo, Soldier
- Gho$t - Any class
- GoDM1N - Soldier
- NuclearWatermelon (Maybe, internet)
- theeHankDough - Medic
- Enigma - Demo, Soldier
- CARNAGE_MK2 - Engineer, Medic