by Boler » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:38 pm
I've been stalking the forums here a bit after being on the servers a few times, and figured that I might as well register and spend 30 minutes typing out a boring ass introduction. I haven't been around that much in gaming communites though. The last one I enjoyed was KOTSC, a community for an old source mod called Zombie Master. After that died I went to the actual zombie master forums due to interest in working on the source mod, but I lost interest when I came to the conclusion that most of them were elitist pricks.
I used to be an avid player of TF2. I say used to because my current computer is a craptop, and somewhere between its decline and TF2's consistent upload of unoptimized crap the game became next to unplayable for me, even with an FPS config, N64 models, and edited particles. I manage around 5-10 FPS in heavy firefights, which means that when I can stand the terrible framerate I tend to not play seriously and find dumb ways to amuse myself (and hopefully others) to compensate for constant death in game. When (if) I get a new computer I plan to play alot more, as well as other games I never really got to enjoy. Unfortunately I need alot of other news things before a computer, namely a new car and a new home that isn't a living room with cheap rent.
I will also say that no, I'm not a brony, since I see a good number of them here I should clarify this. And no, I have no problem with bronies, assuming that they respect the fact I don't care for the show. Different tastes are different.
In my spare time I work, hate work, hate work some more, work on college, and occasionally program, draw, read, or do something else semi productive. But not often. I think that is everything I need to mention because honestly I hate talking about myself. There. That's my introduction. Did I say hi? I did, alright, then that wraps it up because this is already too long. *post*
I am a frequent user of random loadouts I don't really like.