My name is Hard Ass June. I'm Mike808's friend from Hawaii (yes, I know him in person). I am somewhat new to PC games in general and therefore rarely come out of a game with a 'Hard Ass' score. For the time being I only own TF2 and it will probably stay that way for a while. My playtime hours are somewhat spread apart but you can probably expect me to be on a little late at night if you're a 'mainlander'. I am not the most vocally social person on the planet but if you ever want to talk to me during a game I wont hesitate to answer. I of course am eager to meet all of you and I hope that I will have an awesome time as a member of this community. I will accept any friend request that come my way (as long as you are a member here). I also find it amusing when people ask strange questions about Island Life so fire away (please at least make it seem like you have no idea what Hawaii is like. That's what makes it funny.).
Again, Greetings to all and I'll so you on the circuit!!!
P.S. I collect Chuck Norris jokes.