You will usually see me on the fun box and custom maps servers. Unfortunately I try to avoid slaybox 1 because i usually get my ass kicked by pro players that accumulate there. (I dont suck at tf2 those guys are just way better

when not on the funbox i like to play prophunt, saxton hale and when i play real tf2 i am best at payload and arena maps.
i have gotten very good at dodgeball but still only on lucky days I can best Rez, Namieo, Xbawkzes, or Spoon Fox.
I kick ass in zombie fortress until Rez or Zeeco Hat-stab me in my special corner lol.
I am usually easy going but a cheap backstab really pisses me off.
I am a respectful person and i will not be rude unless someone is a jackass or really annoying.
Also if no one thinks negatively on the idea I am sort of interested in becoming a pink admin.
I will see you on the servers and the forum
(and another thing Cheers to Benny Hill for fixing the constant crashing of the funbox, its much better now