I have been with Critsandvich formally for about one month, and its probably been one of my greatest months with TF2. I am Matt, formally in-game known as .Johnydrisk, The Fake Johnydrisk, Private MattEpicFail, Private Megamoose, or even Private Killersloth. Many people troll me because even though I'm almost 16 (Sept. 7th) I have a pretty young voice. To everyone who trolls me, IDC if you troll me anymore, I'm use to it now.

Finally, I would like to congratulate every admin there is, because without you, there would be no one to help this awesome server out! Hopefully, I continue to meet and greet with new people on Critsandvich and have an amazing time...

~Megamoose, the king of being trolled~