Hey my name is Joe When I am not playing runescape I enjoy going to mcdonalds and ordering what they call the "Joe SPecial" lol yess they have a menu named after me, you take a mcdouble and slide it between two mcspicy yeah it is frakin awesome. so anyways i like the color blue as much as I like my best buddy sandman, oh he is quite the lover wink, wink. thats onomanpeeea if thats how u spell it where u like make a sound with words. yeah so tf2 is fun i started playing the other day when my firends like told me how to get steam or like xfiree or w/e but yeah I love critsandwich and i like how the main rule is respect because people make fun of me at school and omg this sucks like you guys are so nice to me I love playin tf2. so what is a hardass because sandman like says it all the time and does it mean i have a nice butt because this guy at shcoool tellss me that when he follows me to the bathrooom.
anywayyyyyys my names joe and I thank you for having the humility to read this post and enjoy it . on a serious note awesome server, hardass where it be.