if you are reading this, and my calculations are correct, the year should be 2010, and you all may still have time. Critsandvich network has grown, grown to incredible size. BAdlands has fallen. 2fort has fallen, Valve has fallen. Critsandvich contols everything, there is no escape, and the world is crumbling. We live in caves, deep underground. We are sending someone back, we need you to trust him. Do not let the dark ones take control. Do not cap point C. Above all else do not allow the heavy to eat the critsanvich. I hear them comming, out time is running out...if you are reading this, and my calcuations are correct, the year should be 2010, and you all may still have time. Critsandvich h...
Hello, my name is slacks. I frequent your servers once and a while, so i figured I would say hi. Well, thats about it, im not too interesting, but i like your servers so i thought i would say hello.
And here i say goodby
so bye, and hello to the future