I wonder if ppl from the CSn community are playing any BF4 at all. If so plz add me to your friendlist so when can destroy the enemies as team. I have not yet found a server that communicate like we do on CSn for example.
And that is basicly the main part I dont play it that much. I like the smack talk etc that we have in our servers. And I literally have non that I know in my list that play BF4 at this moment. Maybe because im the only one playing it but still putting it out there. My Nick is Balubish ofcourse and feel free to add me.
Got some taste videos of me playing, badly flying a chopper, I was probably drunk but dont remember but for the looks of it I think I was.

But I killed a guy, not with bullets only but with the chopper nose crashing into the guy

And here is a serious gaming with my low lvl rank. I did do some nice kills though.
So wanna have some fun just add me.