Just thought I'd drop a little note on a game I think everyone should be interested in.
It's called Dear Esther and it releases tomorrow. Here's the link:
It's a remake of a HL2 mod of the same name. I've played it and it was fantastic. Supremely atmospheric, well-written, and an overall bibliophile's wet dream. Think Bastion except without the guns.
I'm definitely getting this day one; skipping out on a meal to do so...but whatever. Even though I'll have no time for gaming tomorrow I believe, I'm doing it just to show support for this sort of effort. It's not too pricy. 10 U.S. dollars on release day. And the specs are pretty modest.
So, if you liked stuff like Amnesia the Dark Descent, give this a shot. It may not be as scary as Amnesia, but it's just as atmospheric.