GoDM1N wrote:People bitching is a good thing, Its quality control and its needed for capitalism to work.
VoltySquirrel wrote:
1) Robot store: general complaints are based around the fact that it merely exists. Yeah, I won't lie, I groan slightly when I saw it, but at this point it shouldn't be a surprise. Valve and the various community contributors have made tons of money with what boils down to a couple models. I personally don't consider a hat DLC, because it is not new content, I just a new hat. You don't need it, and it does not turn TF2 into a Play 2 Win game. Most of the stuff you can get for free anyway.
Harri wrote:I agree with this bitching. I hate that valve is opening up stores in games. I don't like the idea, and I feel that it's a money hog. Valve used to be so cheap and considerate with money. EA is a whore, and valve is falling into it's terrible clutches.
Another major issue I have with Portal 2 is- where the fuck is my HL2/E3. I want them to deliver on what they have promised.
BoB Dolen wrote:
Not sure why people seem to dislike how the market has changed......guess people still fear change.
Harri wrote:And in TF2, the items are close to hacks for players that lack real skill.
John Magnum wrote:Harri wrote:And in TF2, the items are close to hacks for players that lack real skill.
are we playing the same TF2
WHAMbulance wrote:Well you can look at from an entirely different point of view. While I personally think Hats/Mann Co. are incredibly stupid, it's also brilliant at the same time.
Valve managed to make an entire economy that runs off hats. Not only is Valve raking in money from everybody who buys hats, now there's real money changing hands between players.
All for a intangible hat model that has no effect on anything.
Valve 1 000 000 000, Gamers 0
Harri wrote:John Magnum wrote: Items like the powerjack, the saharan spy pack, the croc-o-style kit etc,. are basically cheats.
John Magnum wrote:
The Axtinguisher is better than the power jack, the spy set has tons of draw backs that keeps the spy from doing a lot of things such as taking out sentries , and the Croc-o-Style set keeps a sniper from head shoting people which is his main source of killing non-snipers
Harri wrote:
I'm sorry if I'm pissing yous guys off.
Harri wrote:John Magnum wrote:Harri wrote:And in TF2, the items are close to hacks for players that lack real skill.
are we playing the same TF2
TF2 was already unbalanced. Items like the powerjack, the saharan spy pack, the croc-o-style kit etc,. are basically cheats. Valve should be concentrating on the game balance and less time on gaining money through selling such items.
I like the idea that valve has created an economy. Players can spend and gain money in the store. It should not be made at the expense of over-powered items. I am not raging, I consistently gain mvp on our servers and others with or without players using these items. I do not use items outside of the valve release. I simply feel that bad players should not be rewarded with the option to buy skill.
Of course this is all being stated in a thread titled "I've never seen so much pointless bitching." I realize my opinion will be labeled as bitching. But don't we all.
VoltySquirrel wrote:
Actually, I woldn't consider that bitching. Those are legitimate complaints towards the game. Really, I wrote the OP because I was tired of all the whining and complaining about stuff that doesn't actually affect one's enjoyment of Portal 2. You have an issue with non-cosmetic items that you consider cheat codes. That is a concern that, while I don't agree with, is weighted. Most people were just mad that that the store existed, never mind the fact that all the items in there are cosmetic and don't actually have an effect on gameplay. Oh, and, btw, EA isn't Valve publisher or anything like that, all they do is manage retail games. They have no say in the marketing or development of any Valve game.
Harri wrote:VoltySquirrel wrote:
Actually, I woldn't consider that bitching. Those are legitimate complaints towards the game. Really, I wrote the OP because I was tired of all the whining and complaining about stuff that doesn't actually affect one's enjoyment of Portal 2. You have an issue with non-cosmetic items that you consider cheat codes. That is a concern that, while I don't agree with, is weighted. Most people were just mad that that the store existed, never mind the fact that all the items in there are cosmetic and don't actually have an effect on gameplay. Oh, and, btw, EA isn't Valve publisher or anything like that, all they do is manage retail games. They have no say in the marketing or development of any Valve game.
If a publisher doesn't manage the distribution of retail games, then what is a publisher?
VoltySquirrel wrote:with EA being the drug dealer.
Benny Hill wrote: I had a very good experience of this when I had Halo 2 for console. Had to buy a new map pack, because otherwise the amount of lobbies open to me was tiny and I was missing a lot of the game.
VoltySquirrel wrote:Benny Hill wrote: I had a very good experience of this when I had Halo 2 for console. Had to buy a new map pack, because otherwise the amount of lobbies open to me was tiny and I was missing a lot of the game.
It actually got worse as time went on. At least in Halo 2 they eventually made the map packs free. In the 3rd game, only 1 was made available to all, people who bought ODST were the only people in most ranked playlist for a long time (due to them getting mythic ahead of time), and Reach has yet to make one free at all. Call of Duty does it best, whereas in those games, if you don't own a particular map pack, those maps were disabled during matchmaking. That way, there wasn't a split player base.
GoDM1N wrote:VoltySquirrel wrote:Benny Hill wrote: I had a very good experience of this when I had Halo 2 for console. Had to buy a new map pack, because otherwise the amount of lobbies open to me was tiny and I was missing a lot of the game.
It actually got worse as time went on. At least in Halo 2 they eventually made the map packs free. In the 3rd game, only 1 was made available to all, people who bought ODST were the only people in most ranked playlist for a long time (due to them getting mythic ahead of time), and Reach has yet to make one free at all. Call of Duty does it best, whereas in those games, if you don't own a particular map pack, those maps were disabled during matchmaking. That way, there wasn't a split player base.
No CS, HLDM, DoD and TF2 did it best. If theres a map you don't have you DL it from the server :3
Benny Hill wrote:Yeah, I don't see how people are complaining either. I guess it's their failure to comprehend the reasons paid DLC is hated.
Harri wrote:I agree with this bitching. I hate that valve is opening up stores in games. I don't like the idea, and I feel that it's a money hog. Valve used to be so cheap and considerate with money. EA is a whore, and valve is falling into it's terrible clutches
Ninja wrote:Well its not like our admins are any good.
xbawkzes wrote:Harri wrote:I agree with this bitching. I hate that valve is opening up stores in games. I don't like the idea, and I feel that it's a money hog. Valve used to be so cheap and considerate with money. EA is a whore, and valve is falling into it's terrible clutches
You're giving EA way too much credit. EA aren't smart enough to open up a store within a game which earns it's contributors so much money they don't need to have a job any more. Valve are just doing exactly what they've always been doing, going along with things that will work.
They knew people would buy the stuff and people have. It earns Valve money, and y'know, can't make good shit without good money. You don't need to buy the stuff, and Valve aren't forcing anybody to, ever. It's just another great idea from the company that does everything golden. If EA had touched Portal 2, you'd probably have had to pay MORE for the co-op.
BoB Dolen wrote:xbawkzes wrote:Harri wrote:I agree with this bitching. I hate that valve is opening up stores in games. I don't like the idea, and I feel that it's a money hog. Valve used to be so cheap and considerate with money. EA is a whore, and valve is falling into it's terrible clutches
You're giving EA way too much credit. EA aren't smart enough to open up a store within a game which earns it's contributors so much money they don't need to have a job any more. Valve are just doing exactly what they've always been doing, going along with things that will work.
They knew people would buy the stuff and people have. It earns Valve money, and y'know, can't make good shit without good money. You don't need to buy the stuff, and Valve aren't forcing anybody to, ever. It's just another great idea from the company that does everything golden. If EA had touched Portal 2, you'd probably have had to pay MORE for the co-op.
Don't forget how the modelers got paid out from their work in the store also......don't see that everyday
VoltySquirrel wrote:He already stated that BoB.
BoB Dolen wrote:VoltySquirrel wrote:He already stated that BoB.
My bad was eating and watching Hot tub time machine when I replied.
Hatred wrote:ppl bitching about the graphics wtf .... i can play with everything maxed including anti-aliasing and anistropic filtering ..... it looks awsome ..... ppl should just realize that you can get 2 nvidia cards for the same price as 1 ATI ... and each of those cards are so minorly worse you could never tell the difference and u get 2 .... + SLI = not framrate (well a little but human eye can only see 70 fps anyways so who cares) but the ability to make games way more eye candy .... thats the fix for that ....
John Magnum wrote:What the hell are you talking about? What Nvidia cards are comparable to ATi cards but cost half as much? Are you seriously saying there's a GeForce card for $125 that's almost comparable to a 6950 1GB?
Ridiculous. When you compare like-for-like cards, especially in the midrange of $100 to $250, ATi reliably has better pricing options.
What the fuck it the internet?
John Magnum wrote:Are you seriously saying that there is only a minor teensy difference between a single 450 and a single 6950, and that therefore you got a really great deal by getting 2x450 for the same price as a single 6950? I'm actually asking, because I can barely even tell what you're trying to say.
As a random aside, because you seem to be pretty keen on SLI and Crossfire, you should note that ATI's Crossfire scales at least as well as if not better than SLI.
Hatred wrote:BTW my origonal point was about SLI or CROSSFIRE being better than just 1 card for visual goodness
Hatred wrote:1 GPU is set to physX and 1 is set to other tasks .... turn your AA and filtering to max with 1680x1050 and all other setting on max and get a solid 80 fps ?
and wtf portal 2 i was so thinking i was gonna get to fight co-op boss and there wasnt ... still great fun though
Hatred wrote:physX isnt only reason i get more shaders more ram and a second GPU and everytime i have got just 1 realy good graphics card i have been dissapointed later reading things like ten models before only have 20 less shaders barely a difference in GPU power and only a real ram difference (btw that was when i still bought ATI AGP ... and i know nvidia does the same) ... i was just saying thats how mine is set up i leave settings like that at default most of the time .... and i have never seen anyone with 1 card max out every setting on an new games
Hatred wrote:why is ATI 5770 better than a ATI 5970 ?
Harri wrote:It's nice to see some pointless bitching in the pointless bitching thread XDXD
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