Hey there. As my poster says, I am providing a free service to get good use out of those dueling mini games. Now yes, I know this sort of defeats the purpose of the games, but most people just trade them away for a scrap or whatever they're going for nowadays. I'm just trying to provide a free service for all of you that would like to get a dueling badge! This is COMPLETELY FREE! No payment required of any kind (although a tip would be nice). However, tipping will not get you ahead of anyone else (if there is a line of people waiting). Just let me know if you would like to use my service! And post in the steam thread and make an appointment (click on the poster). All I ask in return is that after I help you, you, you post in
this thread telling everyone what a good job I did, unless I did a crappy job. I'm just trying to spread the holiday cheer (Unlike Valve
). Happy Dueling!