BoB Dolen wrote:Ninja wrote:Well I am not very good at trading,
But I suggest is using tf2outpost
Just make sure you know your prices before trading a lot of people will try to scam
And don't forget you can always find better deals, even though it might take a bit longer.
Sound advise.
Stay away from TF2 trading post I wouldn't recommend that place has turn into a total shit-hole now with sub-par site setup next to Outpost.
But always hunt around and wait deals out can always find a better deal usually.
also ninja and bob's advice is good, tf2outpost is very good. they have very good admins and a useful rep system to see who is trustworthy is my profile i have 49 positive reps and no negative reps.
also here is a good way to stuff, get a shit pot of hats, like 20+, (worth about 30 refined as most hats are about 1.33-1.5 refined) offer that shit pot and someone will be like "OMG LOOK AT ALL THESE HATS OMG"
heres how i made some profit
bought: peace fedora for one bud
sold said fedora for: one bud, one bills hat, 35 hats
sold 20 of said hats for: energy coupe
sold coupe: two earbuds
end profit 2 earbuds, one bills hat and 15 or so hats