I've been wondering: should I remake the cookie mod I had on the cuties servers?
Basically, if people were doing something cool or being generally awesome, you could give them a cookie. Then, they can type !eatcookie to open up a fortune (and make nom-nom sounds). In my old version there were about 60 fortunes and they weren't so interesting. You could also give the entire server cookies, and the plugin ended up spamming the chatbox since it spit out everyone's fortune.
However, now that I have a good grasp of databases, it would be easy to allow for a potentially unlimited amount of fortunes. I'd want to give it a little tweaking as well to ensure that spam is a minimum, etc.
Are people interested in seeing this plugin? It's quite cute and a fun sidetrack (and a good reward for teamwork etc).
I could also make it so that donators and admins can add their own fortunes to the database.