The Sting Hurricane wrote:Well, that's easy...
stanley the manley wrote:The Sting Hurricane wrote:Well, that's easy...
The Sting Hurricane wrote:Why the ....? :]Sirnak wrote:...?
Jake wrote:
The Sting Hurricane wrote:How about I just state the obvious then?
I love everyone on this server. =D
stanley the manley wrote:jawsh has the best voice in tf2
Sirnak wrote:The Sting Hurricane wrote:How about I just state the obvious then?
I love everyone on this server. =D
Then, you are implying that you don't like non-Critsandvich members! O.o
Ninja wrote:Well its not like our admins are any good.
UnicornPoop wrote:rawkies, enigma, dragon and the rest of the PBS gang. ethy, Shes a good medic,jinkies she is epic at pyro. Rez, xbawkzes, ninja, jet and the rest of the pinkies to
BrowleeCrack wrote:UnicornPoop wrote:rawkies, enigma, dragon and the rest of the PBS gang
and what about me???
Pvt.Ryan wrote:There isn't really anybody in particular I like to play with but the CritSandvich community is generally pretty awesome so I guess everybody here?
Enigma wrote:i like playing with pbs. they seem like pretty cool people
VoltySquirrel wrote:I love you all (as my spray so correctly states), but I do have some besties. Those would be GoDM1N (of course), finger, anarchy, doppel, Nuke, Ackbar, Stanley, Guy, Ninja, Argent, Jake, and the Westbox crew. Unfortunately, you guys don't ever come to our side of the country, so I don't get to play with you anymore....
(By westbox crew, I mean people like rawkies and his peeps, Juice (Jews), Skellagrim, David (I MISS YOU SO!), parsifals, iblis, Ethy, and a few others whose names escape me.)
Ph33r wrote:Wut about Uncle Ph33r?!
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