Thursday's update is going to be huge. This will also be a good moment for our community to shine.
We need to be ready with a few things. First. Admins or not. This is an all hands on update. Help get our servers popped. All of them! Custom box will probably be tweaked to a new map only server. When there are big updates, servers are super easy to fill. Takes 4 or 6 people and less than 5 minutes. We will be debuting our Westcoast boxe(s)! That's right boxes!
We will probably run into issues. Like any major update Sourcemod breaks. This is not good. It ruins our map rotation list, donor, and all of our in game admin tools. Any issues can be handled by Redmins. Make sure to have on in your friends list. There will probably be issues with the game breaking overall. Let's hope not.
Finally promote the fuck out of the website. If you have a mic, tell people about us and how cool I am