Guy's Team Fortress Movies

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Guy's Team Fortress Movies

by Guy » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:59 am

I just wanna post some movies I thought were funny.
Wut you thought I made replayes? I play medic all the time... you sure you wanna see me running and jumping around for 10mins?


You can have this or whats in the box...

Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Meet the Medic!

You will not turn my battlefield into a fucking campground!!!

What do you mean syringes don't go there? I am the doctor here... they go where I say they go.
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Herr Doktor
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Re: Guy's Team Fortress Movies

by Guy » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:22 pm


What do you mean syringes don't go there? I am the doctor here... they go where I say they go.
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Herr Doktor
Posts: 748
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