Server stats (updated weekly)

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Server stats (updated weekly)

by Failhorse » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:10 pm

For reference. I'll try to keep this updated.

Slaybox 1
Map info
Activity: 16.8 players/hour (includes empty hours.) up .6
Rank: 263. up 17

Slaybox 2
map info
Activity: 11 players/hour. up 2.2
Rank 533 up 71

Slaybox 3
map info
Activity 4.3 up 2
Rank 847 up 196

Keep in mind. Activity is 24 hours divided by total players connected per hour. Server empty is bad. But it happen. Rank is really meaningless.
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Re: Server stats (updated weekly)

by Hatred » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:44 pm

if rank is meaningless why we have hlstats huh ?

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Re: Server stats (updated weekly)

by Failhorse » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:24 pm

Server rank is different than player rank. but still meaningless
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