Unban request: Blue Kriby

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Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Blue Kirby » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:18 pm

I was playing on the trading server and some kids were trolling by spamming chat with medic and such. I was on the other team and had no part. I joined the other team to show my friend my hat. I was a scout at first then changed to demoman. I sticky jumped onto a building and it auto called for medic. Me out of habit continued to call for medic forgetting about his warnings. I kept calling a few times then stopped to show my friend my hat and then was banned. Afterwards I wondered why I was banned and asked my friend and he said for, "spamming medic". I was puzzled and thought I did nothing wrong. Then remembered calling for medic a lot and got mad. Please unban me, I didn't intentionally spam.

That admins name was Seven.
Last edited by Blue Kirby on Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Fencerboy » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:19 pm

does this mean u want to be unbanned? if u do we can review the chat logs and take witness acounts etc.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:26 pm

Blue Kirby,

You were permanently banned for SPAMMING it after MULTIPLE warnings to the ENTIRE server. Your "selective hearing" is not my problem. We have chat logs that will back-up the amount of spam there was, along with bans and kicks we made. You saw me and another admin ban and kick a lot of other people for purposely trolling and causing problems in the trade server. The fact that you come on here and rudely smear not only myself, but my other admins is a high sign of disrespect.

If you had come on here and been nice and apologized, I would have considered unbanning you and giving you another chance. However, with this post, I am not going to unban you if this is how you're going to act. You disrespected an admin and chose to ignore me.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Mangachu » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:30 pm

"mute sound"
can't hear tf2
can't hear what people are trading
SEEMS LIKEA GOOD IDEA DOESN'T IT? also calling admins an idiot is just lowering the chances of you getting unbanned
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Jericho » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:34 pm

We had given out MULTIPLE warnings and MULTIPLE kicks, and even a couple bans, not 1 minute earlier, for this precise issue. You continued. End of story.

Now, maybe you missed it. Ok, unlikely, but possible. Then talk with Seven, explain yourself. Coming on here and bitching is not the way to handle it.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Blue Kirby » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:40 pm

Seven wrote:Blue Kirby,

You were permanently banned for SPAMMING it after MULTIPLE warnings to the ENTIRE server. Your "selective hearing" is not my problem. We have chat logs that will back-up the amount of spam there was, along with bans and kicks we made. You saw me and another admin ban and kick a lot of other people for purposely trolling and causing problems in the trade server. The fact that you come on here and rudely smear not only myself, but my other admins is a high sign of disrespect.

If you had come on here and been nice and apologized, I would have considered unbanning you and giving you another chance. However, with this post, I am not going to unban you if this is how you're going to act. You disrespected an admin and chose to ignore me.

I didn't I didn't realize I was spamming. You didn't even say I was. You never directly warned me. Not only that but I get perma banned for stuff like this every day because admins don't like me talking on the mic. They never warn me and it's constant. I'm not saying your admins, I'm saying tf2 has the worst admins out of all the games I've played, BY FAR.
Last edited by Blue Kirby on Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:41 pm

I will give you some leniency. If you edit your post right now and turn it into a well-thought out, respectful unban request, I will have your ban removed and changed to a few hours or a day or whatever. However, you must completely edit your original post and change the topic's title into an unban request. I will consider an unban if I see the unban request is sincere and that you will not cause trouble again in the future. Otherwise, the permanent ban stays.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:43 pm

Blue Kirby wrote:
Seven wrote:Blue Kirby,

You were permanently banned for SPAMMING it after MULTIPLE warnings to the ENTIRE server. Your "selective hearing" is not my problem. We have chat logs that will back-up the amount of spam there was, along with bans and kicks we made. You saw me and another admin ban and kick a lot of other people for purposely trolling and causing problems in the trade server. The fact that you come on here and rudely smear not only myself, but my other admins is a high sign of disrespect.

If you had come on here and been nice and apologized, I would have considered unbanning you and giving you another chance. However, with this post, I am not going to unban you if this is how you're going to act. You disrespected an admin and chose to ignore me.

I didn't I didn't realize I was spamming. You didn't even say I was. You never directly warned me.

I warned the ENTIRE server and I said that if someone else begins to spam again, they would be permanently banned. You still did it right after I said it. See my other post also.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Blue Kirby » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:45 pm

Seven wrote:
Blue Kirby wrote:
Seven wrote:Blue Kirby,

You were permanently banned for SPAMMING it after MULTIPLE warnings to the ENTIRE server. Your "selective hearing" is not my problem. We have chat logs that will back-up the amount of spam there was, along with bans and kicks we made. You saw me and another admin ban and kick a lot of other people for purposely trolling and causing problems in the trade server. The fact that you come on here and rudely smear not only myself, but my other admins is a high sign of disrespect.

If you had come on here and been nice and apologized, I would have considered unbanning you and giving you another chance. However, with this post, I am not going to unban you if this is how you're going to act. You disrespected an admin and chose to ignore me.

I didn't I didn't realize I was spamming. You didn't even say I was. You never directly warned me.

I warned the ENTIRE server and I said that if someone else begins to spam again, they would be permanently banned. You still did it right after I said it. See my other post also.

The reason I'm pissed is because this happens to me all the time.

Read this section of an email
when you were banned, loudly making annoying mocking voices about smash brothers.
I was banned for making fun of super smash brothers and saying that his name was not original.

PERMA BANNED Because I faught with the admin.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:53 pm

Blue Kirby wrote:
I didn't I didn't realize I was spamming. You didn't even say I was. You never directly warned me.

You didn't fight me and I'm sure they saw you as being a troll there. That's what it looks like. Anyways, my offer of leniency stands. (I had to take all the quotes down because there were too many.)
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by bjordan » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:56 pm

Blue kirby,

This is a really great community with even better people, and it would be a shame for one little incident of miscommunication to prevent you from reaping the benefits of being a member. I understand that you may be upset, but you have to think about how frustrating the situation must have been for seven and jericho. I would personally like to welcome you and invite you to make the right decision to apologize. We hold no grudges, and I hope everyone would agree with me!!!
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:00 pm

bjordan wrote:Blue kirby,

This is a really great community with even better people, and it would be a shame for one little incident of miscommunication to prevent you from reaping the benefits of being a member. I understand that you may be upset, but you have to think about how frustrating the situation must have been for seven and jericho. I would personally like to welcome you and invite you to make the right decision to apologize. We hold no grudges, and I hope everyone would agree with me!!!

Thank you contributing a positive post to this topic. Like I told Blue Kirby, I will show some leniency as it is needed as long as he meets the requirements of the unban request stated in the previous post.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Hatred » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:05 pm

.... i dont go to the trade server often but banning anyone for clicking the call medic button should have your admin revoked .... that is admin abuse .... i dont care if your MR. trade server admin or whoever but as a trade admin you are suppose to be the face of CSn and make it a safe place to trade not ban ppl for stupid reasons then demand a edit of there opinion to even hear them .... ppl spam shit all the time and your the only one to ban ppl for it ... i hope cause if other ppl are they should be under review also ...

is this your server seven ?

do u make the rules or do the redmins ?

bottom line ban is a big thing on my opinion ment for hackers ! not to be used as im sick of these ppl's medic command so ill clear the server tool ...

someone should bring this to the redmins attention ... sigh
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Ackybur » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:13 pm

Hatred wrote:.... i dont go to the trade server often but banning anyone for clicking the call medic button should have your admin revoked .... that is admin abuse .... i dont care if your MR. trade server admin or whoever but as a trade admin you are suppose to be the face of CSn and make it a safe place to trade not ban ppl for stupid reasons then demand a edit of there opinion to even hear them .... ppl spam shit all the time and your the only one to ban ppl for it ... i hope cause if other ppl are they should be under review also ...

is this your server seven ?

do u make the rules or do the redmins ?

bottom line ban is a big thing on my opinion ment for hackers ! not to be used as im sick of these ppl's medic command so ill clear the server tool ...

someone should bring this to the redmins attention ... sigh

Next request? Kiss his ring and shine his boots.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:17 pm

Hatred wrote:.... i dont go to the trade server often but banning anyone for clicking the call medic button should have your admin revoked .... that is admin abuse .... i dont care if your MR. trade server admin or whoever but as a trade admin you are suppose to be the face of CSn and make it a safe place to trade not ban ppl for stupid reasons then demand a edit of there opinion to even hear them .... ppl spam shit all the time and your the only one to ban ppl for it ... i hope cause if other ppl are they should be under review also ...

is this your server seven ?

do u make the rules or do the redmins ?

bottom line ban is a big thing on my opinion ment for hackers ! not to be used as im sick of these ppl's medic command so ill clear the server tool ...

It was the most of the server doing it. It was spam and that's against the rules for CSn in general. Redmins made that rule and I'm enforcing it. It was an excessive amount and, if the chat logs hold Medic calls or whatever, you will see the amount of spam there was. Jericho will back me up on this. Like I said, I did overreact some, but still, he disobeyed a direct order to not spam the chat. It's a trade server, not a troll or spam server. I gave out multiple warnings to the server, yet people chose to disobey.

And no, this isn't "admin abuse." This is enforcing the rules of the server and community. However, there is a reason I am offering to unban in exchange for a well-thought out unban request. I realized I may have overreacted some, but I did say not to do it and Blue Kirby did it, so I kept my word.

Banning meant for just hackers? That's ridiculous. If you have a troll constantly in the server, there is no need for that to be there. Is Blue Kirby a troll? No, not necessarily. However, banning is also meant for rule-breaking. I have to ban people for ridiculous amounts of mic spam or for being a nuisance to the server. Mic-spamming is annoying, but chat spam can be even worse. Chat spam defeats the purpose of using the chat box. Anyways, banning in a trade server has a wider spectrum than in a regular pub server.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:18 pm

Admiral Ackybur wrote:Next request? Kiss his ring and shine his boots.

What do you mean?
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:24 pm

Blue Kirby wrote:I was playing on the trading server and some kids were trolling by spamming chat with medic and such. I was on the other team and had no part. I joined the other team to show my friend my hat. I was a scout at first then changed to demoman. I sticky jumped onto a building and it auto called for medic. Me out of habit continued to call for medic forgetting about his warnings. I kept calling a few times then stopped to show my friend my hat and then was banned. Afterwards I wondered why I was banned and asked my friend and he said for, "spamming medic". I was puzzled and thought I did nothing wrong. Then remembered calling for medic a lot and got mad. Please unban me, I didn't intentionally spam.

That admins name was Seven.

Thank you, Blue Kirby. I will take this unban request into consideration and speak with the other admin in the server. I'll get back to you as soon as I speak to him.
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by bjordan » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:29 pm

I think the fact that he had the strength to swallow his pride and admit he was wrong shows that kirby will be a good member of this community :D
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Hatred » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:38 pm

my point is that ppl spam medic everywhere all the time its not ban worthy or kick worth even if you tell ppl to stop .... you arnt the trade server dictator thats all .... and i think your just twisting the spam rule to what suits you best for this scenario .... like when you play magic card or something like that and your about to win or something then the other guys tries to bend the wording to best suit him ....
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Patrid » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:39 pm

Hatred wrote:.... i dont go to the trade server often but banning anyone for clicking the call medic button should have your admin revoked .... that is admin abuse .... i dont care if your MR. trade server admin or whoever but as a trade admin you are suppose to be the face of CSn and make it a safe place to trade not ban ppl for stupid reasons then demand a edit of there opinion to even hear them .... ppl spam shit all the time and your the only one to ban ppl for it ... i hope cause if other ppl are they should be under review also ...

is this your server seven ?

do u make the rules or do the redmins ?

bottom line ban is a big thing on my opinion ment for hackers ! not to be used as im sick of these ppl's medic command so ill clear the server tool ...

someone should bring this to the redmins attention ... sigh

I think you mean the best for the community when you type this Repth/Broken/Hatred, but I would have to disagree on some points. I am an avid tf2 player as WELL as a trader, so please hear me out:
1: spam fills up the chat server and in a trade server...this means no one around the voice command spammer can get their trading done easily because they can't see any of the trade texts that players type.
2: If there are prior warnings from an admin to cease said spam, and they refuse to listen they will face consequences, appropriate actions will be taken

Seven, even if a trader is spamming voice commands and refuses to stop/ permaban seems harsh. No matter how badly an admin wants to ban someone for directly opposing them, there is always a protocol for how said situations (depending on the cause) are handled.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by duck » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:40 pm

Hatred wrote:.... i dont go to the trade server often but banning anyone for clicking the call medic button should have your admin revoked .... that is admin abuse .... i dont care if your MR. trade server admin or whoever but as a trade admin you are suppose to be the face of CSn and make it a safe place to trade not ban ppl for stupid reasons then demand a edit of there opinion to even hear them .... ppl spam shit all the time and your the only one to ban ppl for it ... i hope cause if other ppl are they should be under review also ...

is this your server seven ?

do u make the rules or do the redmins ?

bottom line ban is a big thing on my opinion ment for hackers ! not to be used as im sick of these ppl's medic command so ill clear the server tool ...

someone should bring this to the redmins attention ... sigh

the thing is that he was told not to do something but he kept on doing it. some people find it extremely annoying when someone next to you is continuely spamming medic. after multiple warnings he has the right to ban him. idk if it should have been perma. i trust seven though, he is co-leader of the trade server along with myself.

seven i do want to have a talk with you on this if that is all right

Re: Banned for calling medic?

by duck » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:41 pm

Patrid wrote:
Hatred wrote:.... i dont go to the trade server often but banning anyone for clicking the call medic button should have your admin revoked .... that is admin abuse .... i dont care if your MR. trade server admin or whoever but as a trade admin you are suppose to be the face of CSn and make it a safe place to trade not ban ppl for stupid reasons then demand a edit of there opinion to even hear them .... ppl spam shit all the time and your the only one to ban ppl for it ... i hope cause if other ppl are they should be under review also ...

is this your server seven ?

do u make the rules or do the redmins ?

bottom line ban is a big thing on my opinion ment for hackers ! not to be used as im sick of these ppl's medic command so ill clear the server tool ...

someone should bring this to the redmins attention ... sigh

I think you mean the best for the community when you type this Repth/Broken/Hatred, but I would have to disagree on some points. I am an avid tf2 player as WELL as a trader, so please hear me out:
1: spam fills up the chat server and in a trade server...this means no one around the voice command spammer can get their trading done easily because they can't see any of the trade texts that players type.
2: If there are prior warnings from an admin to cease said spam, and they refuse to listen they will face consequences, appropriate actions will be taken

Seven, even if a trader is spamming voice commands and refuses to stop/ permaban seems harsh. No matter how badly an admin wants to ban someone for directly opposing them, there is always a protocol for how said situations (depending on the cause) are handled.

i agree

Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:43 pm

Hatred wrote:my point is that ppl spam medic everywhere all the time its not ban worthy or kick worth even if you tell ppl to stop .... you arnt the trade server dictator thats all .... and i think your just twisting the spam rule to what suits you best for this scenario .... like when you play magic card or something like that and your about to win or something then the other guys tries to bend the wording to best suit him ....

Wow. Server dictator? Really? You never even come to the trade server, yet you decide to presume that I'm some horrible person. You weren't there for the incident and if I was dictator, I wouldn't offering him an unban after what happened. I'm not "bending" the rules. If you spam, it's spam. I specifically warned everyone not to do it when I began kicking people for deciding to troll with spam. He states he didn't hear it, but did it, and I banned him. He has made an unban request and I will figure out what I'm going to do about this, though I have a good idea.
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Re: Banned for calling medic?

by Seven » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:44 pm

UnicornPoop wrote:seven i do want to have a talk with you on this if that is all right

I have no problem with that. Message me on Steam when you get on.
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Blue Kirby » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:01 am

I am super admin in my clan. I worked my way up from op, was ready for admin and decided to give back to my clan and donated a server. Which later turned into crap... but, I got super admin status and 1 out 3 because I helped my clan out. I join clans to stick with them, not to just join them and later quit. My clan is St3alth gaming aka S3G. They can vouch for me.
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Seven » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:13 am

Blue Kirby,

I am happy to say that we have decided to unban you and it will go into effect as soon as possible. Thank you for your appeal and we hope to see you on the server.
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Echoplex » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:10 pm


All stock errythang
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Ackybur » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:23 pm

Big Bear wrote:WARN --> GAG/MUTE --> KICK --> BAN

Hmmm new sig
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Techercizer » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:35 am

Big Bear wrote:WARN --> GAG/MUTE --> KICK --> BAN

More wisdom from the bear.

I think Steven made the right call in taking action, but like many have said, escalated a bit quickly. He was looking out for the productivity of the trade server and trying to make sure people could use it as intended, but a ban was jumping the gun by a bit.

Hopefully everyone here has heard the opinions their peers have raised and found the opportunity to consider a new viewpoint; kirby's willingness to request a ban and tone down his post in line with moderator request is a fine quality, and I'm glad he was given another chance.
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by Blue Kirby » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:43 pm

Is there a reason I am still not unbanned?
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Re: Unban request: Blue Kriby

by duck » Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:29 pm

get in contact with failhorse or benny. they will fix it

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