Goomba stomp was recently disabled, because of the belief that no one reallly likes it. And, that it's unfair to heavies. Well what most people don't understand is that the goomba stomp does have an off switch, and we broadcast that ability often. I'm proposing that we have ONE (yes one) server with the goomba stump plugin available. Just to add more variety, and fun to our servers. With only one you have the option to pick a different server if you don't like goomba.
Yes, I know that some may feel OH NEW PEOPLE WON'T KNOW HOW TO TURN IT OFF. Well, they'll learn as soon as they say "How did that happen, how do i turn it off?"
So, pretty much I'm making the poll to see how many people are for/against this idea. Remember it wouldn't be on the main server. Most likely on server #2, and IT HAS AN OFF SWITCH.
How can you say no to that?