08:30 p.m. - surGe ҉ warclowd: stv: surge.eoreality.net:27020
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Mangachu wrote:div= low/mid
we airstrafe like EUROS
also what about last point
i won the match bro
Mangachu wrote:2 main reasons
1. We were both in the top 2
2. Both of us were undefeated
Konfy wrote:Mangachu wrote:2 main reasons
1. We were both in the top 2
2. Both of us were undefeated
and that allows you to play like retarded russians?
Mangachu wrote:fuck year it does
all that pyro + gunslinger engie
nobody even expects it <:
Konfy wrote:Mangachu wrote:fuck year it does
all that pyro + gunslinger engie
nobody even expects it <:
true story but not watching for stickytraps and pushing in a totally uncontrolled manner is the "retarded russian" style. and It was really nice that both sollys were jumping to mid instead of one using the equalizer.
I don't want to criticize your team, the other team had more failures like this and that is probably the reason why you won. It's just that I didn't see something like that in quite a while.
tehs4ndman wrote:u 2 need to get a room and smash it out
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