I "had" a steamfriend that wondered today why I play on a server with 160 ping latency "Critsandvich". Well I like It and that doesn't bother me I said.
So he joined the server I was on and logged out pretty fast. Why I asked. Answer cause I couldn't choose what team I wanted to join he said. Well whats the problem If your in the other team?
The other team was dominated by the winning team so why join a loosing team, he said angry. Well ur a good player why Is It a big problem helping them that are so bad? Cause they are all so bad so If I join them I will also lose!
After that I tried to explain to this dude that u cant always win and also If u are good player that he was to fight really hard to try helping that underdog team ur a better player even. Cause It doesn't matter If u lose sometimes. Its a teamgame.
Sometimes u win sometimes u lose!
So after that he called me retarded time after time and so on, totally rage against me and spammed my messagebox and now blocked. I can't talk to ppl that are so In love with their own fuckin lovin of winning that they cant handle to lose sometimes. Aslo this guy I guess was around 25-30 years old and still that childish behavior. No wonder we have all this problems in this world, with war, starving etc.