Password server please

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Password server ?

password server
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Password server please

by Hatred » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:28 pm

ok so i was just wondering who else would like to see a password server until things settle down so we can still play like we used too?
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Re: Password server please

by stanley » Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:16 pm

imo, a pw server would be incredible for the current community, but not good overall for expanding. personally i would like to see one, but thats just because im selfish. pw server=no f2p noobs, and all the regulars would probably be there(which is how i decide where to play) that doesnt attract people to the community though. i favorited this server because of the people, and thats how i came to be on the forums, and a donator. if the regulars are all in one server together, and the other servers are filled with random gamers, the random gamers wont stay with the game, and they wont stay with the community. this is a great chance to get new people in the community, and to get new donors, but the chances of that happening decreases a ton if we dont give players a reason to favorite the server, and join the forums.

that being said, i had a horrible time in sb2 this afternoon, i played for 25 minutes then quit because of how bad it was

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Re: Password server please

by Hatred » Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:24 pm

i am only meaning until things settle down not froever just if even a 1 day of the week thing. expansion is good but dont forget about the regs who already love this place ;P

or even just say a server is for the ppl on the steam group for 2 hours 1 time a week
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Re: Password server please

by Echoplex » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:11 pm

Something I said in a different thread:

It would be really easy to setup an auth plugin and then setup a separate database that people can register for with their steamID. The Lost Continents servers do that for somethingawful, I bet they would even share the code if we wanted it. As long as the register instructions and link are in a sticky, I think it could work well.

The plugin also lets anyone join the server while it's populating, but it will kick players who don't have whitelist slots once it's full and also for whitelist players to join

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Re: Password server please

by Twinweapons » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:28 pm

No point for a password server. Because it would at most have 12 players in it and 6v6 is only fun in arena and how do you plan to spread the password around without free to play players finding it by merely going to this website. Also segregates players and makes the current servers pointless if all the admins are in a password protected server not protecting the regular server from hackers. This is the opposite of spreading the critsandvich community and having more contributors benefit from the critsandvich experience. More attention should be on regulating the current servers and ensuring everyone has a good time on the server with the current regulars.
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Re: Password server please

by Hatred » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:44 pm

i like big bears idea more
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