utah is a very boring state. its borders are straight lines lame. alaska is the biggest state. we are twice as big as texas. i once traveled 1000 miles in a staight line and still didnt leave the state. juneau (the capital and the best city evar) has an area that is bigger than any other city in the united states. it is bigger than rhode island and delaware combined yet only can be reached by plane or boat. we also produced basketball player carlos boozer of the chicago bulls. we was on the 2004 and 2008 olypics team that won a bronze and gold medal
. we also have the best fish in the world at our finger tips. all we have to do is walk outside and put our poles in the water. you cant beat our hunting either. with tons of deer, moose, caribou, elk, whale (its legal here) salmon, halibut, bear, ptarmigan and many others we have the best meat in the world. you cant beat alaska so dont even attempt