I havent played the other ones but I just had to get this when I saw the graphics and big ass world map and stuff. I heard 30 times bigger map than Skyrim, SOLD!

There is 4 episodes up so far and will upload a new one each day. Each episode will be around 40-60min long and im running it from the beginning as the noob i am. Will probably do some longer episodes too, cause the rendering takes so long and do new startups and end videos takes up some time so I might release them in 1-2hours episodes instead.
I record everything, all misshaps and all that fun stuff, even some glitches will come in the videos I wont edit that stuff out. So I kinda brought a big mission to myself here but probably will be really fun at the same time. I have recorded around 10 hours of gameplay so far and are enjoying the game more for everytime I play it and learn new stuff so I guess this series will be loooong.
And yes all my bloopers and noob skills are recorded as well

So if you want to check it out or even follow it, here are the first 4 episode of this long series.
Link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vdVz8Azg78&list=PLOdT2cFzQCp_gCP4sWWlm1I4lGAuc7DZv&index=2

Also payday on monday so will order a new mic so maybe a week away or two I will have a better mic for the recordings so you guys can hear me better.
Best regards Balubish