Goat to check out this story

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Goat to check out this story

by Maringue » Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:12 am


In case you are wondering what the hell this is, basically some dumb racists had a Facebook page advocating the lynching of Pres Obama and the establishment of a national holiday to mark the occasion with a poorly photoshoped picture of Obama in a noose.

Since Facebook refused to take it down, some people stepped in and goat rid of the problem.

Here's the new page: https://www.facebook.com/Americathenextgenerations

And here is the original: https://www.facebook.com/AmericatheGOATgeneration

I love this:
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Re: Goat to check out this story

by GoDM1N » Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:21 am

I don't think this had racist intent. People posted the same kinda images about Bush. They probably thought "Hey, we hate the presidents's policies, right? Lets put his head on Saddam's when he was being hung. That'll show how much we want him out of office!". Then after posting the image realized "Oh right, slavery. Woops.". This said I could totally be wrong and they're just racist, but as someone who doesn't know the group looking from the outside in its just another "The presidents policies suck, lets get rid of him!" post.

Also, personally I think assuming theres a war or we have a deficit we shouldn't celebrate presidents day. Maybe even if theres both you have to work twice as long that day. Then because people are missing a day off from work they'd start giving a shit about things other than facebook and Dancing with Idols or whatever.
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Re: Goat to check out this story

by Maringue » Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:14 pm

Godmin, I agree that lots of bad things were said about Bush, but for shits and giggles I did two different google searches. One was for "obama noose" and one was for "bush noose". One of those searches gives you 3 times as many on topic picture hits than the other.

Now, Godwin's law states that both presidents were and will be compared to Hitler, and to me that's just stupid not racist.
Now on the other hand there are bumper stickers like this which are just outright racist:

The problem is that there are people who don't like Obama and there are racists. Venn diagram speaking, everyone who's a racist hates Obama, but not everyone who hates Obama is a racist. It's really hard to differentiate people who hate Obama from the crowd who hates Obama AND are racists.
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