Some may have noticed how little I've been playing lately, and when I can get on how short I tend to stay.
The wifi emitter in my end of the hallway is on the fritz once again. It's different from how it was a few weeks ago, where it just wouldn't connect anybody, now instead it will stay connected for about 30 seconds, then disconnecting, and so on and so forth. What this equates to in-game is about half a minute of being able to play, followed by a couple of seconds of being stuck in place (and usually dying), often getting the "Connection lost" message in the top right corner. It is extremely annoying and makes playing damn near impossible.
I've sent several emails, much like last time, so hopefully something actually gets fixed and actually stays fixed. Until then, don't expect to see me in game for much more than a few minutes at a time before I get frustrated and angry and leave.