One of my hobbies is indoor skydiving training. I have a class each week at iFly Seattle. It's damn fun and I recommenond it to anyone if you have a iFly close to you. The locations are Dubai, Singapore (w00t), Seattle, SF bay, Utah, and Orlando. They also have AirKix (Same indoor skydiving thing) but in Manchester and the UK. I am a newbie flyer but hot fuck its super fun. Flights are like usually like 2 mins each and you have 3. Theres a screen that tells you how many MPH the wind is going. For me they use like 90-100 MPH, but at the end of the Lessons our instuctor does a bunch of cool tricks and its usually 150 MPH. (Video down below was my class lol)

Yea thats me. Deal with it, I know im a little kid

But yah, whats a hobby you have?