Rolo will be prancing about in the woods with other dudes dressed just like him.
But seriously, this weekend is our last training event of the semester/year, meaning it's a whole weekend thing. I'm leaving tomorrow and will be back Sunday, but will probably be too exhausted to get on. This weekend will be a lot of walking and running through woods and hills and whatnot with 60+ lbs of gear on.This is generally the suckiest training event because it usually rains the whole time and thus feels like it drags on forever. The weather report says we may get lucky, so who knows, I might actually have a good time (this is literally the only training event that I don't enjoy myself the whole time).
I figured if duck gets to announce his absence than I should too. Wish me luck! Talk to you all next week. Have fun, drink in my honor and kill some n00bs for me.