Fiasco (a game)

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Fiasco (a game)

by LegendarySurgeon » Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:19 am

This might be helpful to explain the game: ... iew-fiasco

Here is what I recorded (slightly altered) after my first game with some friends



Daniel Simmons (DasBelly) - Pilot
Chris Carrot (SteeliestFlea) - Porter / General Help
Eric Ponzo (Wandering Minstrel) - Con-man / Volcanic Engineer
Carmen Santiago (Legendary Surgeon) - Investigator / Federal Agent


Daniel : Chris
- Romance ... Life-long crush (Daniel) / Object of crush (Chris)
- Ross Island ... Inside Mt. Erebus, above the lava lake

Chris : Eric
- Soul ... The ones who found the body
- Sentimental Object ... a can of potted meat stolen from Scott's hut

Eric : Carmen
- Crime ... government contract fraudster (Eric) / investigator (Carmen)
- Needs ... to get the truth ... about the accident

Carmen : Daniel
- Soul ... Two-of-a-kind misanthropes
- Needs ... to get laid ... by anyone, anywhere to dull the pain


Scene 1
Eric before a scientific / congressional committee securing funding for his "research" (which is a scam) on volcanic engineering in Antarctica. Much discussion of possibilities of alien / prehistoric life. Eric promises to provide his scientific team and only needs to be funded by basic facility personnel. In addition Eric collects and distributes money. (BLACK DICE)

Scene 2
Carmen flying in. She volunteered for the investigation to get away from people. While disembarking she brushes shoulders with the pilot, Daniel in a moment of sexual tension. As she walks towards the research station she shares a glance with Daniel (WHITE DICE)

Scene 3
For the first time in months Daniel decides to interact with people, sparked by his close encounter with Carmen. He realizes that he needs something. As he enters the bridge over the lava lake with Carmen's luggage he sees Chris, lit from behind by the intense glow of the lava. The Antarctic summer darkness shadows his face. Chris greets Daniel. Chris stands 7 ft. tall and is barrel-chested. He recognizes Daniel from his past and greets him affably. Daniel is flustered with his romantic and sexual tension (BLACK DICE)

Scene 4
Chris informs Mr. Ponzo that Carmen, a federal investigator has arrived. Chris and Eric drive out to visit Scott who is found dead in his chair. Eric tricks Chris into believing that Chris's failure to deliver food has killed Scott (Eric killed Scott because Scott was a government official who had caught onto the scam). Chris agrees to help convince the investigator that Scott is still alive. Chris maintains his composure and not be racked by guilt (BLACK DICE)


Scene 5
Eric has Chris bring him the canning supplies and cans Scott. Eric gives the canned meat to Chris to store asking him to hide the scott meat among the other meat and he successfully does (WHITE DICE)

Scene 6
Carmen seeks out opportunities to spend time with Daniel. She speaks with Chris (who calls her Mr. or Mrs. Santiago) and asks him for two meals (Penguin and rice!). Chris returns with two cans, the one the audience knows from the canning to be Scott. As Carmen tries to share this meal with Daniel the platter of Scott meat gets spilled / lost irrevocably. As a result Carmen and Daniel share an intimate meal and did not end up eating Scott (WHITE DICE)

Scene 7
Chris arrives with wine and candles as requested by Carmen. Daniel became incredibly flustered which Carmen mistook for interest and told Chris to leave resulting in Daniel and Carmen being locked in the plane alone together. (BLACK DICE)

Scene 8
Chris has a flashbook to his and Daniel's childhood in which we see bully's beating up Daniel for only caring about airplanes. Chris successfully defends Daniel from the bullies (WHITE DICE)



Failure: A stupid plan executed to perfection

Innocence: Somebody is not so innocent after all


Scene 9
It is the next day and Carmen is continuing to meet with the facility personnel. She meets with "Scott" who is in fact Ponzo, the con-man, speaking with an affected accent and mannerisms and wearing the dead man's mustache. "Scott" repeatedly calls Carmen "Mrs. Santiago". Near the end of their conversation Chris walks in and says "Hello Mr. Scott" and winks obviously. It is clear to Carmen that something is bizarre. (BLACK DICE)

Scene 10
Santiago confides in Ponzo who has successfully re-disguised himself as a British scientist and lets him know that she plans to investigate Scott's hut. Ponzo agrees to accompany her. (BLACK DICE)

Scene 11
Daniel wanders the facility and discovers that the generally sealed scientific wing has been left unlocked after Chris fetched the canning supplies. As he wanders he discovers the wing to be empty. He is confused, but does not choose to share this information. (BLACK DICE)

Scene 12
Seeing Carmen and Eric heading out to Scott's hut Chris becomes suddenly afraid that Ponzo will reveal to the investigator that he has failed to feed the real Scott. Chris has a tearful confession with Daniel who comforts him and assure him that it wasn't his fault. (WHITE DICE)

Scene 13
Carmen and Eric arrive at Scott's hut and Carmen realizes that the bed has not been slept in in some time. Ponzo reveals that he has been embezzling the government and offers to split his fortune with Ms Santiago. She accepts. (WHITE DICE)

Scene 14
Carmen and Eric return to the volcanic facility. Carmen pulls Daniel aside and tells him the truth! She wants to run away with him with the money from Eric's embezzlement. Daniel now knows everything. He refuses to go with Carmen (BLACK DICE)

Scene 15
Daniel is afraid that he knows too much. He packs his things and gets ready to take off but on the way he runs into Carmen (BLACK DICE)

Scene 16
Chris is wandering, glad to have confessed and glad to have been supported but he is still confused. He sees Daniel and Carmen arguing on the runway. Chris sees Carmen pull a gun and he rushes to disarm Carmen. Chris flies away with Daniel. (WHITE DICE)


Chris : 3 White - 1 Black = 4 - 10 = -6
Pathetic -

Eric : 2 White - 2 Black = 8 - 12 = -4
Savage -

Carmen : 1 White - 2 Black = 1 - 2 = -1
Horrible -

Daniel : 3 White - 2 Black = 11 - 5 = 6
Weak -

Carmen shoots Chris before he knocks her out. She wakes up in the cold with her gun and no one around but Ponzo who she quickly realizes is the also Scott. In a violent argument over the lava lake Carmen shoots Eric but he gets the better of her, knocking her into the lava below.

On the plane Chris calls out to Daniel over the noise of the propellers saying he's brought plenty of food for their journey but it is tragically, the canned Scott meat.

In the end, no one gets off scot-free.

The End.
The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

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