My favorite place is fox valley paintball park. more of a family owned place, not as "developed" i guess as CPX. But the built environments are still pretty awesome. Best part about it is $30 admission and Bring Your Own Paint. They do the big scenario games every now and then and use all their fields. Its a moderately big place with 3 or 4 speedball* courses and a ton of woodsball. If you plan on making the trek out there try to do it when it hasn't rained for a while. The place is right on a river so sometimes it floods. I mean, unless mud is your kind of thing, haha.
Also the rental guns kinda suck. they look like some guy bought a bunch of pipes and welded them into paintball guns. So needless to say, this place kinda expects you to have your own stuff. Hell if you even wanted to bring a grill and cook out in the parking lot/table area they'd be cool with it.
*some of the speedball courses don't use the air-bunkers. they use large coregated tubing, which kinda gives them a woodsball feel. one course called Tombstone is like that and is definitely worth a couple of rounds.
As for gear, tippman's are always a good woodsball gun. durable, easy to hold, and most take CO2 as well as compressed air (compressed air is better for the gun but the tanks are more expensive) and you can probably get one off ebay for real cheap. other than that get yourself a comfy mask and a barrel condom and you'll be all set.