VoltySquirrel wrote:I would get into 40k, but it's a fucking expensive hobby. I would like to point out however that any Space Marine could fucking murder any other game character in existence without even trying, because they are the fucking shit.
VoltySquirrel wrote:I'm not talking in game, I'm talking "Who would win in a fight?"
VoltySquirrel wrote:I don't think I specified I meant Space Marine vs. Characters from other universes. Like a Space Marine vs. Master Chief.
jawsh wrote:I just finished the Space Marine video game, I liked it, but not enough to get into Warhammer.
Now if they made another game like Space Marine, I would probably play that.
NeverExclamationPT wrote:*Spoiler or two, reader beware*
Its a good game, not their best but it's definitely good. A buddy and I were nerding about this and the WH galaxy while at the renaissance fest today. This game touches lightly on many things in the 40k universe, it's meant mainly for the hardercore groups that know quite a bit about 40k. A person new to the galaxy wont know what a titan is, how badass the Inquisition is (SPOILER- The Inquisition does not look fondly of people practicing/manipulating with the warp let alone letting a Psyker into their ranks. Now, the Inquisitor coming straight out and telling the Ultramarines he's a psyker is something that they most likely wouldn't do and would raise a red flag on the spot), they don't explain the omnissiah nor the Cogbogs/techpriests or how they/why they bless the machinery.
My main gripe is that the levels are a bit bland, you've got destroyed cities without much actual details, just a bunch of rubble, a few defiled shrines techpriests use. Granted the world was ravaged by Orks but still, they could have made the environments less bland. Also, they didn't explain Titans in the least, mainly, why are they trying to protect this one. How they are run, what are their functions, etc. Im aware but a casual person is not.
THQ/Relic/GW could have gone a bit more in depth but again, this was an action game, not many people want to read page upon page of backstory I guess.
VoltySquirrel wrote:I still liked it. The combat was fucking awesome and it truly made you feel like a badass Space Marine. I mean, come on, name to me one game where the only way to regain health is to kill more enemies instead of hiding behind a rock for 15 seconds.
VoltySquirrel wrote:I still liked it. The combat was fucking awesome and it truly made you feel like a badass Space Marine. I mean, come on, name to me one game where the only way to regain health is to kill more enemies instead of hiding behind a rock for 15 seconds.
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