Little story:
Title says the biggest part of the story.
Long story:
Today, at work, we had to move a ping-pong table, "we" being our 13 years-old girl trainee and me. The table fell in a way that squeezed both her and my fingers. As she was yelling to death, I tried to force the table to bend the other way around with my yet free hand as I couldn't feel my right hand anymore. As the trainee kept yelling more and more always in much much more desperation and fear, I finally managed to bend the table alone. Scared for her fingers, I checked her out ignoring my own injuries (I'm cool like that). I drove her to her mother since we didn't have a first aid kit at work ( or I simply couldn't find it). With my crushed and bleeding fingers, I drove and drove... Only to arrive at the youngster's home and to be mainly blamed for the accident while I was the one with the most damaged hands (my fingers, bigger than hers, took most of the damage...). I drove back at work and warmed my colleagues of what happened (I was alone when it happened). Only after did I get to heal my wounds (the mother didn't propose to help me)...
Which means:
No TF2 yet. I can move only two fingers really well for now. I'll be fine by Sunday or Monday at worst. I really just posted that story here to warn Deli since I can't connect to Steam. lol
Also, even though I'm not THAT wounded, if you manage to kill me in the coming months, I'll say it's because I'm injured and that you just killed me just because of that. Also, I'll say you are a noob and that you pick only weakened targets. ^^