This past week, I learned about Shared Pointers, Weak Pointers and Intrusive Pointers, and added 2679 and removed 1905 lines of code. Since I started work on the project (when I made the repository) in May I've added 7477 lines and removed 4019. These stats might be wrong as I don't really care. But it's somewhere around there.
This week, I also added a wrapper for Box2D's b2World and another for its b2Body in order to control the bodies via smart pointers and automatically delete them when all references are gone.
In addition, I've added an action system to hook things like button press events, and implemented a separate system to add callbacks for when bodies collide. The result is stupendous and I think I can actually begin work on more of the main body of the game now. And I hooked debug drawing for bodies so I can see where the physics objects actually are as opposed to the game sprites.
Here is the latest useless screenshot I have (it's like physics engine pr0n!):
All these bodies are hooked together to make a single entity that has a level of intelligence which I plan to improve