Oculus Rift Specs - And Requirements

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Oculus Rift Specs - And Requirements

by Balubish » Sat May 16, 2015 5:47 am


Oculus Rift have now released the specs of their Underwater googles - I mean VR headset.

Requirement Specs:
For the full Rift experience, we recommend the following system:

NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output <--- I cant fucking run it with my $700 dollar card. Fuck you Facebook for making this "not" possible, and yes you should always blame Facebook. I have HDMI 1.2 :cry:
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer

Whats funny to me is the GTX 970 is the same as AMD's 290. Suck it AMD! I guess I can suck it too with my frikkin GTX 780 :cry: :cry: :cry:

And the consumer version will have the resolution of 2160x1200 and locked at 90Hz for smooth movements and probably less sickness while using it.

Also they havent released a price to it but will be released 2016 Q1. So for the DK 2 they want $350 dollars for, and Facebook ppl said it will lower the price so more ppl can buy it.
Why do I get this creepy feeling it will cost way more than DK2? Or is it just me...

Balubish news is out for this week see you later next week on "Hot dish with Balubish".

Note: Linux and Mac users, ur all fucked.


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