Someone Special wrote:Maringue wrote:I also hope he doesn't pull a Christopher Eccleston, because that guy was just fucking terrible.
I felt Eccleston did a fine job :<
I also feel Eccleston was a great Doctor. His seasons were extremely campy and low budget, however, but I feel he did the best with what he was given.
As the 50th brought to light, Eccleston portrayed a Doctor who was most recently at fault for the loss of an entire planet and civilization, and who attempted to lock that away and be goofy as a recovery technique. He's the first Doctor to have seen war and put it behind him, but he's certainly not the last. Without Eccleston, we would not have a lot of the plot development we have. He was an important starting point for Tennant, Smith and now Capaldi to take and further develop. I'm a firm believer that you can't say one Doctor was better than another, simply because each Doctor is a different Doctor. While he may be the same man, everything changes in regeneration.
However, I must disagree that Tennant and Smith played similar styles. Tennant started out in love and happy, and when Rose was gone, he lost more than just her. He became sad.
Smith started out sad, yet goofy, but became even darker. Smith's Doctor almost forgot what he stood for, and ended up going against his principles, which is where we get into the Doctor's "rules", via River Song.
On other terms, I am greatly excited for Capaldi. I too think he's going to take the Doctor into a different direction, and I'm looking forward to it. I love the Scottish, as well. And while I'm sad that they didn't let Tennant be Scottish for more than an episode, I'm glad we're finally getting it now.
I'm so sorry for the rant, I just love the show and any chance to debate it.